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Blood and flames. People screamed as the mansion around me burned. I awoke to burning. "Mum!" I called out, my tinny voice inaudible over the roar of the flames. I stepped out of my room, and stared in horror at the burned skeletons of my family, crawling towards me across the floors, the ceilings the walls.
"Failure!" Hissed my father.
"Bastard!" Screeched my mother
"Outsider! Outsider! Outsider!" Chanted my three elder siblings.
I turned to face my younger brother, who merely whispered to me, "you're a traitor big bro..." I heard the pain in his voice.
"No!" I roared, "you all betrayed me! The only one who I miss is you! You were the only reason I stayed!"
"I know what you did, big bro, I know what you did..."
I awoke.
I was covered in some familiar scales which began to move as I jerked upright. I was then face to face with a grumpy-looking Cobra, which stuck out its tongue-tasting the air or insulting me, or both, I wasn't sure, before it coiled itself around my waist and abdomen. I sighed and lay back in my bed.
"Charles, its time to wake up," I groaned, before slipping out of the snakes sleepy embrace. I rose and, taking my uniform with me, entered the bathroom. As I left the bathroom, I came upon Lydia buttoning up her shirt whilst Kristophe turned around, completely dressed except for his tie. And most surprisingly, Charles was waiting on his bunk completely ready, and with no sense of scruffiness in sight. I was expecting a 'bad boy' look, with an untucked shirt or not wearing a tie. But I remained surprised at his complete order.
When he realised I was staring, he looked at me full on with his grey vertical-slit eyes, and hissed at me, before saying, "alrigh', alrigh, I like to look good when I'm dressin' up okay? That ain' my malfunction." He then got up from the bed and angled his head towards the doorway. I understood and walked over to the door. Looking over my shoulder to see Charles, Lydia and Kristophe standing behind me. I turned back to the door and sighed, as soon as we walked through this doorway, we were no longer Deaths Advocate, the King Of The North, the Bladed Queen and the King Cobra. We were students now, as far as the world was concerned, and four master assassins, thieves, raiders and mercenaries disappeared from the world at large.
I stepped through.
On to class. The first class was rather boring in that we were introduced to one Professor Port, who then continued on to regale us of stories of the past-his past. To that end we were completely and truly happy when the bell rang to signal break.
Break time wasn't terrible, I introduced my team to team RWBY and through them was introduced to team JNPR.
Team CRDL were a bunch of self-righteous assholes.
I spoke with Weiss and Ruby and we spoke of the past, and our futures. What we hoped to do and when.
Ruby wanted to become one of the greatest huntresses the world had ever seen and hoped to travel the world as she fought Grimm. Weiss also wanted to become a great huntress as well, but out of admiration of her elder sibling, Winter Schnee. The runaway eldest.
I smiled gently as I heard their aspirations, it made me proud to see how strong they had become, but my smile waned as I realised that, most likely, they would not remain in Beacon long enough to graduate. Or rather Beacon wouldn't remain long enough for them to graduate.
And I would stand atop its rubble. Weiss was a part of my soul that burned long ago alongside the rest of my family. Whilst Ruby was more of a project to begin with anyway. Added to all this, and my greatest and most hateful reason was, despite everything, my allegiance was to Cinder, at least until she was done with me, for then, we would become even for taking me in for those two years of my life that she did. Then I would kill her. 
And tear down everything she worked for.
And ally with the enemy.
For that is what she did to me.

The day was finally done, and evening swept in, it's beautiful arrival marked by the suns leaving at the horizons brim. The trees rustled as the wind howled, but nothing touched me as I walked through the streets of the city towards the docks. As I walked, I began to practice my ability. Not my semblance, the ability my eyes gave me.
I had read into the history of the silver eyed warriors after I found out about them from an article on silver eyes. I had grown tired of people's reaction to me and decided to research into why eyes  were so unusual.
The silver eyed warriors were given abilities from their eyes, granted by their God, the god of good, to counter the god of evils creatures of Grimm. The silver eyes had three main schools or families, the first was the house of Elements, these silver eyes controlled one of each of the eight elements, though their power over their element was amazing and impossible. Indeed, the eternal ice of the ice priests castle was a gift from an elemental of ice. Then there was the school of observation. This school was focused on understanding and manipulating the people around them, this was done by interacting with and sensing their auras, these were the most common, and were easy enough for normal people to learn.
Then there was the order of which I would have belonged to. The order of necessity. This consisted of only most rarest and powerful of talents; the ability to interact with the soul and the spirit dimension. This meant the ability to shatter, split and simply interact with souls-whether living or dead. These abilities were so rare, that the largest number of necessity silver eyes to ever walk the earth simultaneously was three. The reason for the order's name was that they were the ones called in to annihilate armies and devour the souls of entire countries and civilisations who would disagree with the silver eyes.
They were not the heros they were made out to be, or rather, the only stories of the silver eyes were very early stories of the greatest silver eyes to ever live. Of course there were no stories of the order of necessity, they were all slightly insane, and very unstable as well as slightly sadistic, it was the side-effect of such power.
And thus, I was left without a mentor or teacher, so everything I knew was self taught, and everything I found was by myself. As I looked around me now, the world was grey as I saw the lives of others through their souls, reading them like an open book, I could simply reach out and devour their souls. So weak, so fragile.
I snapped out of my reverie as I entered the docks. I walked over to the warehouse and stepped inside. The second I stepped through the door, every White Fang member in sight made sure their weapons were out of sight, careful not to provoke me.
I watched as Cinder stepped through a doorway and into the main area, after some light digging, I found the man next to her to be Roman Torchwick, a wanted criminal and killer. Cinder spoke to Roman before coming over to me, "I'm going to introduce you to someone today." She said smiling, "but first, remove your helmet."

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