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It took us a few weeks to make it to vacuo, the ferry, though a direct trip, was annoyingly slower than I wanted. Throughout the entire period, I spoke little to Lydia and Charles, opting instead to train relentlessly, my soul reaper a deadly blur in my hands, whilst anything within range of my hand-scythes, the murder twins, was as good as dead. I spun and finished my session with a final devastating swipe which would be an easy decapitation, before slipping the murder twins back onto my belt. Turning, I was met with an unarmed and unarmoured Lydia, wearing a flowing white dress, her blonde hair shining gold in the setting sun, the white enhancing the blue of her eyes as she smiled bashfully.
"Well, what do you think?"
I simply stared, completely uncomprehending what she was trying to achieve.
"Stop staring..." she whimpered, blushing.
I nodded my head, ascertaining her reason for showing me this dress.
"You look beautiful, completely and utterly stunning, most men would be putty in your hands."
She blushed even more at the compliment
"T-thanks...wait, most men? What about you? Wait! Are you a woman!? I-it's okay if you are, I-I've just not seen you outside your armour is all, I don't mean to say you look like a guy, I just assumed-"
"I'm male."
"Oh thank god...so are you into men?"
"I should hope not."
"Never cared enough to check."
"Nice dress, it matches your eyes quite beautifully." And with that parting comment I walked past her stupidly grinning, blushing form and back to my room which I shared with Charles. As I arrived, I came upon Charles lovingly cleaning his 'wife' snakebite. It was an ornate sniper rifle with a lacquered wood stock and two steel revolving barrels, it had a long underslung blade which Charles would lick with his long, black snake tongue every morning, triggering his poison glands and lathering the blade with his own Venom to which he was immune. The barrels held the bite, firing armour-piercing rounds, whilst the blade held the Venom which gave it close-range fighting capability. Added to this, he also had a six-shot revolver, also bayoneted and poisoned in the similar fashion to snakebite. As it would, for this was his 'daughter' firefang for indeed, it literally spat fire, meaning, and I quote, 'she 'ad a mouth on 'er.'
I walked in and nodded to him, before casually, asking, "what is wrong with our teammate?"
"Whatever d'ya mean, mate?"
I explained what had just happened with Lydia, and he burst out laughing.
"Oh, god bless! Ahahahaahaaaa! Oh lord! She weren't jokin'! Oh, mate, I'd tell ya if it were the other way 'round, bu', one, I promised I wouldn't tell, an' two, this shits hilarious! You sir, are amazin'! Hey, once this jobs done, and you 'aven' figured it out, I'll tell ya, bu' 'till then, me an' the gals're gonna enjoy the show, I ain't tellin' ya jack shit 'till then, an' if you get it, then le' it be known, I go' it first!" And with that outburst, he went back to cleaning snakebite, grinning gleefully.
I sighed at my companions open madness, and went to sit on a nearby chair, I slept sitting up, with my armour on, not trusting either of them, when Charles first realised this, he had tried to draw on my faceplate while I slept, he didn't count on my aura-dependent proximity alarm which I would cast around me before I slept, suffice to say, he complained about his broken arm for days before I bothered to heal him with my aura-he never tried that again.
Lydia then made it a point to visit me at the end of each training session, each time wearing a different piece of clothing, I would comment on each, telling which ones I thought worked well with her and which did not. By the end of the voyage she was only wearing clothes I thought worked well, I know not what happened to the rest, but I never saw them again.
As we exited the ferry, Lydia skipped and chuckled to herself, I looked to Charles for an explanation, but he simply grinned and slowly shook his head.
"It must be seasonal..." I muttered. She had better live up to her name, this annoyance was tolerated so long as she was useful. 
We were already in the northernmost part of Vacuo, where the dusty wasteland gave away to icy wastes, this ice-warrior was given one of the last 'Bluetooth' blessings known to have been given before the ice priests retreated to their eternal ice-fortress of Daemons Grave. The blessing of the Bluetooth was a powerful one, a piece of food would have runes carved into it and the runes filled with ice dust, before eating. This gave you the ability to roar blizzards from your mouth and allowed you to control ice, though to what extent, I was unsure. He wielded a massive two-handed axe forged from some of the eternal ice of the priests fortress-cathedral, a final goodbye present from his masters. Enraged at his abandonment, he slew the last remaining Blueteeth and then set about annihilating  every town that worshipped their saviours, the only three towns remaining he ruled with an iron fist, those who did not obey would be murdered mercilessly, and their bodies left as a warning to others.
"This place is beautiful!" Exclaimed Lydia, staring at the pine trees surrounding us, they were covered in snow and ice, glinting beautifully in the sunlight, the forest we were trudging through was silent, and the snow carpet muffled our footsteps.
"Hey mate, jus' wonderin' could I jus'...y'know, not... be here right now? I mean like..."
"Spit it out." I growled, slicing a tree in half to show my annoyance.
"Look mate, I'm a cold blooded killer, like you, the only difference between us is that I'm literally cold-blooded. I don't  do cold."
"Well, he does."
I pointed at the six-foot armoured giant standing before us, his two-handed ax swinging from side to side-his ax-blade was deep blue. Eternal Ice. This was Kristophe Bluetooth, son of Harald Grimdark and Helga Runesbane, here was The King Of The North.

Well done guys, four chapters plus a filler chapter, not so bad. By the way, how was this filler chapter? Good? bad? This is the first time I've tried to do something like that and I think I did okay, oh and here's what they all sound like.

-Brutus-Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock(helmet off), a spacemarine(helmet on)

-Lydia-think of a posh white Englishwoman, the poshest you can think of, yeah, that. (Her helmet doesn't distort her voice)

-Charles-Steve Irwin

-Kristophe-Ulfric Stormcloak/Thorin Oakenshield (whichever you prefer)

but do comment and vote, and I shall see you in the next chapter. Until then, Goodbye and Goodnight!

BLCKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora