Chapter 10

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[ Changing into my night clothes, I laid down in the bed that was close to the window. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

But little did I know...

That someone was watching me....  ]

As I was sleeping, I felt the bed dip. Turning around and opening my eyes, I seen Mateo laying beside of me.

"... What are you doing? " I asked, in a sleepy voice.

" Nun, sleeping "

" Yeah, but why are you sleeping in my bed? "

" Ion know, it's warmer. "

" What about your bed? "

" We only have one bed, and I'm not sleeping wit Ayo. He snores, plus he takes all the covers "

I gave him the "😑" face

" Why don't you sleep in the other bed next to mine? Or get another room?

" Like I said, it's warmer to sleep in this one, and it's  no use to get another room for one night "

" Whatever " I relied, rolling over so my back is now facing him. "Goodnight, Teo"

" Goodnight, Jaida"

Falling back to sleep, I felt him hold me before hearing snoring.

" Jaida " Teo said, shaking me. Opening my eyes, I looked at him.

" It's time to get up. "

Sitting up, I yawned and stretched. I wiped my eyes and looked at Mateo.
He looked back at me.

" What? "

" I'm tirrrred " I whined

" And? What do you want me to do about it? "

" Ion know, but do something. Help me wake uppp "

He sat there a while before standing up and going to the bathroom. A few minutes later, I could hear water running.

What is he doing?

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, didn't notice its been that long. And because of that, I've decided to write this short chapter for y'all. Even though it's short, it's something. If I wrote a long chapter, there's no telling when the next time I would update would be.

Also, Sundays my birthday! 😊
But I ain't gon be doin nothing cause my mama works  😒
But whatever!


You The One ( Shmateo Story )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin