Chapter Sixty: A Fond Memory

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"Is that where we caught you sleeping without your clothes on?" Jae Suk asked.

"Yes, hyung."

"Well do you remember you caught Ji Hyo outside her room that day?" he then asked the men.

Then, Jook Kook hyung told Gary that he remembered that scene. Gary then smiled and told the men that Ji Hyo just came from his room.

The men's eyes were wide open.

"Hyung, you dog," they laughingly said.

Kwang Soo who was more curious about this, probed deeper and asked Gary when he found the time when the camera was on practically all the time.

"It was very late at night, everyone was already resting in their room and I was just getting ready to go to sleep myself, when I received a text message from Ji Hyo. She wanted to talk to me about filming the next day. It was all innocent, I swear....we were sitting on the couch talking about the next day's shooting, when I accidentally spilled apple juice on her shirt and shorts...I gave her a robe to put on, while I washed her shirt and short in the bathroom...since it was humid outside, I put her clothes outside to air dry...we continued to talk inside and were having a good time laughing about the events that happened that day while filming...suddenly Ji Hyo brings up a topic that I was not comfortable talking about..."

"Hyung...Gary-ssi..don't stop now...tell us what she said that made you uncomfortable?"

At first Gary hesitated but seeing how curious his friends looked, he proceeded to tell them the one question she asked that made him feel uneasy.

We started to talk about personal things, when she brought up the topic about my ex girlfriend. I'm very sensitive when it comes to that. Anyways, she noticed I wasn't talking anymore and she apologized for bringing up a subject he was not comfortable talking about. She then started telling me about this one person she went out with and how special he was to her. She thought he was the one that she was going to marry but something went terribly wrong in their relationship and they ended up breaking up. When she finished telling me her story, she looked very sad. She even shed some tears recollecting that sad time in her life. Just listening to her story, I could tell she really loved this person.

Seeing how she shared her personal experience with seemed like the love of her life who got away, I felt more at ease to share my story about my ex. As I was about to tell my story, she wiped the tears from her eyes, apologized for being so emotional in front of me and got up from the couch. She went to the balcony to retrieve her wet clothes. I told her, that it's still not dry and that to be a little bit more patient until it completely dries. She didn't want to listen to me, so she grabbed her wet clothes but I stopped her.

"Gary, I shouldn't be here...I shouldn't had told you that must think of me as some crazy person" she said tearfully.

"No Ji Hyo...I'm glad you're here and I'm glad you told me your I want to tell you about mine."

Gary takes Ji Hyo's hand and leads her back inside his living room. He tells her about his last relationship and how hard it was to get over her. Seeing how open Ji Hyo was about sharing her past relationship, Gary felt comfortable enough to open up about his. After Ji Hyo heard his story, they both had something in common. Both were a committed relationship which they thought would end in marriage but unfortunately due to some unforeseen circumstances, it just didn't end up in the direction they were hoping for.

"Ji Hyo...since you came on the show, you are the first woman I have felt relaxed talking to and joking around with..."

"Thank you, Gary...uhm...I feel the same way about you...I misunderstood you at first but the more we did the show together the more I gotten to know you and I started to change my opinion about you."

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