Chapter 8

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Your POV

I stumbled back and thought that Rick had come to pull me into one of his wild and wacky adventures. I was wrong.

Four different Ricks filed out from the portal.

"Seize the (Y/N)." one of them had said, causing two of the Ricks to grab hold of my shoulders.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, trying to shake their hands of my shoulders, and failing.

The Ricks took me back through the portal into what I can only assume was the Citadel of Ricks. Rick had mentioned it only once, but this place fit the bill.

They continued dragging me until we approached two large doors. One of the Ricks approached it and gave a slight knock before entering, pulling me along too.

"Council of Ricks, we have secured the (Y/N)." he stated.

"Why do you keep calling me 'the (Y/N)'? Just call me by my name." I glared.

Each member of the Council had a really odd looking haircut. One of the council members spoke up, "Because, (Y/N), you are the only copy of you that exists."

"Well, I'd like to think so." I roll my eyes.

"Not just in your universe. In all existence." he said, clearly not amused, "While there are many Ricks, and many Mortys, and many of practically everyone that exists, you seem to be the only entity that exists once."

"That's not my fault." I say, still trying to get the Rick to let go of my shoulder.

The council members murmured for a moment before going silent. One of them spoke up, "Detain the (Y/N)."

"What!?" I yelled, a flurry of movement occurred in the room as the Rick holding me tried to pull me along.

Everyone paused when a green portal opened up in front of the Rick and I.

Rick, my Rick, jumped through the portal.

"A-alright bi-tches!" he yelled, holding two guns pointed at the ceiling.

He shot the Rick holding me directly in the head, causing the limp body to fall to the ground.

"Rick C-137!" a council member shouted, "What is the meaning of this!?"

"The mea-ning is, fuck you." he stated and shot the council member in the head. "And you, and you, and you..." he repeated each time he shot another council member.

Guards poured into the room, "Woah, time to go." he said and pulled me back through the portal with him.

We came out into Rick's garage, "What the hell." I state.

"H-how much did they tell you." Rick questioned.

"They told me that I am the only 'me' that exists." I say.

"Okay. Good." he nodded.

"Good!?" I exclaim.

"Yes, good." Rick said, clearly becoming quite tiresome of this conversation.

Time Skip [brought to you by, Sleepy Gary]: The next morning, Monday.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm beeping. Turning it off, I checked to see that it was 8:00am, which gave me about half an hour to get ready.

I got myself dressed into some comfortable clothes and headed out into the kitchen to get some breakfast. 

I decided to go with some plain toast with some sort of paste on it. After finishing I went and brushed my teeth, "(Y/N), you better be up!" Mum's voice could probably be heard from down the street.

Rick Sanchez x Reader - [Rick and Morty Fanfic]  DISCONTINUEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum