Ten - How Time Flies

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Lilla's POV

"Table for two?" I ask the old couple that have just walked into the restaurant.

"Yes, thank you." The man nods with a polite smile.

I return it with my own, leading them to a table by the window, offering them their chairs and menus.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I ask them.

"A bottle of your finest." The man says merrily.

"Yes, sir." I nod, walking away and returning with two champagne flutes and glasses.

I fill the glasses with water, placing the jug on the table, before going back into the kitchen.

"Matt?" I call, seeing his head pop up behind the stoves, where four cooks are preparing meals, and seven other waitresses are moving around.

"Yes?" He asks.

"What's our finest wine?" I ask him.

"Try the French;" He tells me, "1986, navy blue bottle."

I nod walking back into the restaurant and over to the floor-to-ceiling wine rack, scanning the various bottles for the one he suggested.

I spot it in the top corner, standing on my tiptoes to try and reach it.

"Need some help?" I turn to see a familiar person standing behind me.

"Robbie!" I say excitedly, giving me a hug, "I haven't seen you in weeks!"

"Well, I did go on a trip, didn't I?" He grins, taking the bottle out of it's holder.

"How was it?" I ask as I check I've got the correct wine.

"Amazing." He tells me, "I- I met someone."

"That's wonderful." I smile, "I want to hear all about it later. Matt's out the back, if you're wondering."

Robbie smiles and heads into the kitchens, whilst I go back to the old couple.

"Is that your boyfriend, sweetheart?" The woman asks kindly.

"No, ma'am." I shake my head, "He's just my friend."

"Have you got a boyfriend," She asks lightly, "You seem like the kind of girl that boys drool over."

I finished pouring the wine, placing the bottle on the table with a smile.

"I'm just trying to focus on my schoolwork, ma'am." I tell her politely.

"As you should." She smiles, "Never think that you need to depend on a man."

"Hey!" The man chuckles, "I'm sitting right here."

"Don't worry, darling." The woman says playfully, "I can hear you just fine."

The old man chuckles again as I giggle at their banter.

"Are you two here for a celebration?" I ask.

"Oh, yes." The woman beams, "It's our forty second anniversary."

"That's wonderful." I tell her, "I wish I could find love like that."

"I'm sure there's someone," She tells me, "They're most likely right under your nose, and you don't even know it."

I smile kindly at her, taking their order and heading back to the kitchens, where Robbie and Matt were talking.

"And she's wonderful." Robbie says happily.

"Hey!" I protest, "Save the stories for when I'm around."

I place the orders on the pegs, walking over to them.

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