Chapter 1

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Allyson's POV

I'm sitting on the bench here at Central Park. I always find this place as a place for thinking and reevaluating life's choices.


And also a place to kill time when you're friend asks you to meet at Starbucks at exactly 7am but ends up meeting you at 10am because she woke up at 9am 😒😏

"Yeah?" I said as I picked up the call

"Hey, I'm here at Starbucks. Sorry for---" she said before I cut her off

"Making me wait for 3 hours because you just woke up an hour ago? Yeah" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Yeah! I'm really sorry. Promise it won't happen again" she swore for the nth time since we met each other

"I'll pretend I believe you" I smirked

"HEY! I always keep my promises" she defended herself as if she actually saw the way I reacted while responding to her

"Sure you do" I chuckled a bit

"Haha now get yo ass back over here! We still have to plan some things for our surprise for today" she said and giggled

"Okay okay! I'm coming! Go call the other girls so we can go to Dinah's place together after the planning. Bye." I said as I pick up my things and stuffed them in my bag

"Will do. Bye" she agreed and ended the call.

As I was getting my things fixed, my eyes caught a figure at the bench near me. The person was looking from left to right and then look down at her hands while playing with her fingers. She was sitting there before I was here and kept doing that thing. I wonder who is it that keeps her waiting for long and why does she wait there patiently?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard another buzz on my phone and realized that I was taking too long to meet my friend. I decided not to answer the call and just start walking.

As I passed by the person I was referring to awhile ago, I can't help but to try to see what she looks like. Well I failed to catch her features since her face is covered by her full bangs and the fact that she is looking down didn't help me any further.

I focused on walking towards the coffee shop. And when I got there, I immediately saw three girls waiting for me.

"Hey Ally! Over here!" Camila said smiling while waving her hands on me

I smiled and sat beside her

"What took you so long? I called you before these two and they got here earlier than you" Lauren asked while raising her brows with her arms crossed

"Woah! You're the one to talk! You made me wait for 3 hours" I said furrowing my eyebrows as a joke. I mean! Come on!

"Well... yeah.... but they still got here earlier than you" she said said while pouting

"Lo, we practically came from across the street you know?" Camila said then giggled

"Yeah Lo. It's not like we actually fixed ourselves anymore. I mean, we're already prepared to leave" Normani added

Lauren sighed. "I know, I was just asking and it came out a little bit harsh, offending, or whatever. Sorry Als" she said and then looked down

"Haha it's alright Lo! It's not. I just like playing around with you" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"OKAY! Let's order now so we can start" Normani said after patting the back of the girl beside her


"Thank you so much for everyone who is here to celebrate with me! I love you all people. Please enjoy the rest of the night!" the birthday celebrant told the crowd

After giving her speech, Dinah went to our table to inform us that the after party is going to be on the hotel suite she booked three weeks ago. Just the five of us after going to the bar of course. So the party at the suite is actually an after party of an after party.

We decided to change to something more casual first before we proceed on tonight's itinerary that Dinah planned for us.

Normani and Camila went back together at Normani's hotel room to change and fixed themselves up. Camila went there earlier to prepare herself to attend Dinah's birthday celebration and she got all her things there. Dinah stayed in the venue for a little while longer before she went to her and her family's hotel room to fix herself up. As for Lauren and I, we are walking back to the hotel where we stays. The hotel where she stays is just right across mine, which could've spared me the time of waiting if I only knew she was just there 😏

Lauren and I were talking when we passed by the park where I waited for her, I saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench near where I sat earlier today.

"She's still here" I mumbled

"What?" Lauren asked me

"It's nothing" I replied

"Hmmm...oookay?" She responded confused but decided to just go back to what we were talking about.


When I got to my hotel room and quickly fixed myself up. As I waited for the other girls to text me, my mind drifted away and I began thinking about the girl who keeps on waiting on the bench at the park. She's been there for too long and I can't believe it myself that she's still there patiently waiting for someone who probably ditched her already. I mean! Damn! If I was her, I'm gone after a couple of hours!

My mind is still occupied by the girl in the park when I got a call from one of the girls and told me that they're ready. So I got up and get ready to meet them downstairs.


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