Chapter 25- Blast From The Past

Start from the beginning

Chase' eyes lightened up and he faced me. "What?"

"We can go there," I replied and he smiled.

"Good, because the car is coming in an hour."

I rolled my eyes and stood up to leave. "Only you Chase. Only you."

"Where are you going?" He asked, walking towards me.

"I have to make a phone call," I replied back, leaving the room.


"Wait, why?" Rhea asked.

"The Wellington deal is waiting for us there," I replied back, packing couple of clothes.

"Wellington?" She wondered. "As in Richard Wellington?"

I froze where I was standing. One of my shirts, hanging down from my hand and my eyes wide.

I hope it's not Richard Wellington. Chase told me it's Edward Wellington.

My heart was beating fast and out of my chest, I didn't know what to do. I broke out of my train of thoughts and placed the shirt inside my bag.

"No, Edward Wellington," I corrected her and she chuckled.

"I kinda wished it was Richard," she replied. "He's hot."

"A monster with a dick personality," I muttered under my breath.

"What?" She asked and I waved it off.

"Start packing. You haven't even packed at all," I told Rhea, who was sitting on the chair next to my bed. I zipped my bag and got it off the bed.

"I already did when you were out of your little quest with Chase," she smirked.

"It wasn't a quest. I just went to ask about the deal."

"What do you guys do? Like, you have this no sex policy, how can he not have sex?" She asked. "You know he's a sex-hungry monster, right?"

"Not everything is about sex. Sometimes all one wants is someone to support them and respect their needs."

"So, chase has never asked to have sex," She replied and I nodded. "Wow, he really likes you then."


"I heard that he never did relationships. He had flings and many different girls by him but never a serious relationship."

I turned to her and she gave me a warm smile. "He really likes you."

"Yeah," I muttered. I thought, not for long. No one has stayed by me for long. Mom was the only one but now that she isn't here, all I have left is keechee and dad. 

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and we took our bags to leave.


"Welcome to Grand Vista," the manager greeted us at the door and the staff took out bags and placed it in our rooms.

"Thank you," Mr. Chivalry said, shaking his hand as he welcomes us to the hotel.

"I'm sorry but the rooms are a mess but the boys are cleaning up until then you guys can rest in the cafe," he said, leading us to a hall which looked like a cafe. Many people were sitting and drinking coffee and other were eating biscuits.

We all settled down slowly. Chase sat next to me. Chivalry and dragged me with him so I sat next to him. Across us sat Jeremy and Rhea. On a separated chair sat Amanda.

"We came really early," I muttered.

"I told you to book the flights late but you didn't listen," Jeremy said, directing at chase.

"Booking it late would've been really late. We would've reached here by night time and we don't have that much time," chase replied back.

"Where are the Wellingtons though?" Chase muttered.

"Probably just flying over now," Mr. Chivalry muttered and we chuckled.

"Okay it's not my fault," chase said.

We talked for couple of hours, sitting in the cafe and drinking coffee.

"Good evening Mr. Chivalry," A familiar voice greeted from behind me. Mr. Chivalry turned around and chuckled as he made his way to the man.

"Good evening Mr. Wellington," he greeted back.

Not saying a word, I froze in my seat. Everyone looked at the person behind me while I sat there frozen. Chase held my hand and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" He whispered and I nodded. "You look pale."

"I- I'm f- fine," I stuttered.

"I think the rooms are ready, do you want to rest for a while? The conference is at night, you can rest," he replied.

"Y-yeah, I- I'd like that," I replied back as he took me to the room.

I laid down on the bed while chase pulled a chair and sat next to me. I wasn't ready for today. I'm not ready to face my past. I have tried so hard to run away from it but it caught up to me.

I tried closing my eyes but whenever I did, the horrifying incident flashed, making me quickly open my eyes.

I laid down, restless. Chase was caressing my hair and looking down at me with his intense green eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I replied back. "Don't leave me."

"Not a chance," was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.


Author's note

I'm really sorry for not updating quickly. School is starting and I'm just trying to get on the right tracks.

Don't forget to press the little star at the bottom to show your support and for me to write more.

Thank you.

Accidentally Met Mr. Billionaire ✔️ [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now