cheating | 017

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It had been several days since he started ignoring me. I didn't want to seem clingy, nor did I want to sound desperate so I just dropped the matter. He didn't want to date me, end of story. Regardless of me pinning thoughts to my head, I was still curious. Why did he stop? It hadn't been ages sine we started dating, yet he had already found a flaw in me to hate.

Later that day, as I was walking to the reception, Jiwoo who was walking back to class, smiled at me.  

"Hey Hyesu, I hope your days have been well," she smiled so innocently. I stopped dead in my tracks. She had done something. 

"What have you done?" I shouted.

"Nothing, why do you ask?" She smirked.

"Why has Mark stopped talking to me? What did you say to him?"

"I didn't do anything. You're the one that cheated on him with Yuta."

"Excuse me? You little bi-" I was dragged away before I could say anything by a much taller figure. 

"Let go of me!" I wriggled, trying to loosen his grip on my wrist. 

"Hyesu, you need to listen," I was so caught up on trying to free myself, I didn't realise it was Yuta who had dragged me away. 

"What the heck?"

"Hyesu, just listen to me. Jiwoo has spread another rumour," he sighed. "She's told Mark and everyone else that you cheated on him with me. She even has this picture to prove it."

"But I never have I once talked to you alone at school!" I shouted back at him.

"Shh! Keep your voice down! That's the thing, it was me and Hina, we were the one she took a picture of. However, from the back she looks like you, her hair was in a ponytail and it looked like you, so that's probably why Mark thinks it you. Plus, me and Hina are dating, but I haven't told anyone yet, apart from you, now of course. So Mark doesn't know it's Hina. He won't talk to me, so you need to explain things to him." I inhaled a deep breath. I was fuming on the inside. Out of everyone, why did Jiwoo always have to mess with my life?

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