rain | 014

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Rainy Monday morning. My favourite. In all honesty though, I did prefer rainy days. It allowed me to cover up and disguise myself as someone else, so that no-one knew it was me. 

It started drizzling on my way to school and as I was about to get out my umbrella, when it stopped raining. That was odd. One second rain, the next, none. I looked up to find that the rain hadn't actually stopped, I just already had an umbrella over my head. Marks' umbrella. 

"T-thank you, b-but I already have an umbrella" I stutter.

"It's okay, I want to share mine with you today," he smiles. Oh that beautiful smile of his. 

I could feel my face getting hot so, I lower my head, only to have it lifted up by Mark again. "Don't look at the ground. The world deserves to see your pretty face." Blood rushed through my body at exhilarating speed. My hands became numb and I just couldn't help but beam with happiness. Is he starting to realise I like him?  I asked myself. Little did I know that my question would be answered. 

"Can I hold your hand?" His soft voice wrapped around me. I wanted to scream with joy but held it all back. I didn't give him an answer, but instead, I stood there smiling, dumbfounded. I guess he took that as a yes because he reached out, but I suddenly jumped back.

"Pinky. You can hold me by the pinky. I prefer being held by the pinky," I said automatically.

"If that's what you prefer," he laughs as he reached out with his pinky and intertwines it with mine. I look in the opposite direction and bite on my lip hard, trying to keep my emotions from dancing about.

"I'm glad it's raining," he murmured

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because it's allowed me to be with you."

lunch | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now