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The lesson seemed to drag on with the teacher going off topic every five minutes. The hands on the clock moved ever so slowly, like the London Eye and the longer I looked at it, the more pissed I got. Mark, on the other hand was interested. He kept taking notes and nodded at everything the teacher said. I don't really understand why he likes Physics to be honest. 

At the end of the lesson, I started packing my things when Jiwoo suddenly appeared beside Mark.

"Hey Mark!" She screeched, hugging onto his arm. She shot me an innocent look, making me seem like the bad guy and her, well the victim. Mark turned to me and grinned.

"Babe, go to lunch, I'll catch up with you later," he said planting a kiss on my cheek, as he wriggled his arm out of Jiwoo's grasp. I smiled at him and he winked back. He had something up his sleeve.

I finished packing my stuff and walked out the classroom with Johnny, Yuta and Hina. 

"I'm glad things worked out between you and Mark," Johnny said, as made our way to the cafeteria. 

"Me too."

Mark's pov

"Hey Mark!" she practically yelled into my ear. Her voice disgusted me and I was ready to expose her, but I didn't have to do it, she did it herself.

"Why did you kiss that slut? Didn't you hear about what happened?" She asked in a shocked tone. 

"What happened now?" I played along.

"She made out with Ten in the library yesterday! I saw it with my own eyes!" 

"Really? I had no idea!" I said with no emotion. I stopped speaking and I looked dead in her face. "You know, you can quit with the lying. I was with Hyesu the whole of yesterday so it's pretty clear your making crap up."

"B-but I'm n-not!" she stammered.

"Sure, keep believing that."

lunch | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now