apologies |006

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[ i said i was gonna do manly 3rd persons pov but i have to many things to say about mark so i have to say it through hyesu and her perspective, i hope yall dont mind. from here on, it'll be hyesus' pov unless i clearly state it isnt ]

hyesu's pov

His summer scent wrapped around me as the lesson dragged on. The longer I sat next to him, the more I fell for him. Every time he turned to concentrate at the teacher, I would glance at him, admiring his features. 

"Nice work kids, class dismissed. Remember to hand your homework in next week," Mr. Lee shouted over the loud laughter and speech of the students. 

Everyone got up simultaneously. Packing their bags and cheering because lunch had finally arrived. Mark who was in the middle of putting his books away paused and turned to face me. 

"I'm sure you know what's about to come but I just want to apologise. When I said I didn't like you, I meant romantically. I like you as a friend, and ignore anything Johnny sends to you via my phone. He's a little crazy, after all, he is the Johnny Seo," he flashed his signature smile, as parts of his hair fell on top of his eyes. 

"I understand, you don't need to apologise," I replied. He nodded.

"If I ask you a question, would you get angry at me?" he asked, his eyebrows slightly rising.

"Mark, you're the last person I expect myself to get mad at."

"Well in that case, what did you mean when you said that I'll grow to dislike you?" he questioned, his smile fading rapidly. 

I sighed and placed my hands on the table. "Don't you know about the rumours?" He shook his head. "Jiwoo's been telling everybody that I'm this sort of slut, you could say. Telling everybody I've slept with her ex and several other boys," I explained, fiddling with the ends of my sleeves. 

"Whoa, I think I've been living under a rock. Why is she saying those stuff? This explains why she's always giving you those looks," he replied, leaning back in his chair. 

"You realised?" I asked, startled.

"Yeah why? You seem pretty shocked," he laughed.

"No it's just, Jiwoo's drilled these biased opinions and fake rumours into everyones heads, and no-one really see's my side of things anymore," I answered back. Hiding back the tears threatening to fall. 

"I'm not going to say it's okay, but that's exactly what I'm going to say. It's going to be okay. Besides, consider me as you're friend now. That's one person on your side now," he smiled, slightly tilting his head.  

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