e-mart | 008

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Hyesu's pov

"Get up."

"What?" I whisper.

"I said get up! There's no food in the house. Go and get some from the supermarket!"

"It's 7 in the morning mum, can I not go a little later?"

"If you want to get beaten up then sure, go a little later," she shouted, slamming the door on her way out. Another typical day in the Park family. My whole body was stiff. I didn't want to move. Not on a Saturday morning anyway. 

Reluctantly, I dragged my feet off my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I had a quick shower and before you knew it, I was already getting ready. I didn't really care what for what I wore, Jiwoo really helped in me just not giving a crap anymore. 

Thumping down the stairs, I yelled across the living room telling my mum that I was going to borrow her car. She replies with a quick but loud yes and that's my cue to leave the house. I won't say that we're broke. No, actually, we were a pretty stable family. Dad owns a tiny shop and we get a good amount of money from it. Mum works at the primary school couple minutes away and she gets a pretty good income too. She's always stressed out when she gets home. Says its the children's fault. However we're not rich, not like Taeyong or Johnny or in fact, Mark.

I get in the car and I drive to the nearest supermarket. E-mart. By 7:35am I was already making my way inside. I grabbed a trolley on the way and started roaming about the place. Since I didn't get a list from my mother, I just decided to buy what she would usually buy when we're out of food. Milk, bread, butter, all the basics started to pile up into my trolley. 

Skidding along the floors, I take a right and bam. I crash into someone. He was a middle aged man with this woman beside him. 

"I'm so sorry sir! I didn't look where I'm going, I'm really sorry!" I blurt out, not really realising his red face. 

"Oh for goodness sake can you not look where you are going?" He shouts back in my face.

"Woah, mister, she said she's sorry, just accept it and move on," a voice behind me spoke up. I turned around and there, right in front of me, was the one and only Mark. 

"And who are you exactly?" the man questioned, his anger rapidly increasing. 

"Her friend," he replied, coming over to me. My heart had skipped several beats from the first moment he spoke up and I was pretty sure I was going to faint. He grabs the trolley pushing it in the other direction. "Come on Hyesu," he commanded. Politely commanded. I nodded my head, following on behind him. After a couple seconds, he turned around to me. He asked if I was okay and the told me not to walk behind him. 

"Come next to me Hyesu, I won't bite," he laughed. All sorts of emotions started running through my body and I lowered my head to show him that I was blushing. "So what do you need next?" He asked while reaching behind me to get hold of the chocolate all stacked up. 

"I, um, I think I need to buy some yogurt," I mumbled, fiddling with the my sweater sleeves. 

"Oh! There's this great strawberry yogurt which I freaking love! Let me show you," he said excitedly. "This is actually so much fun! I feel like I'm shopping with my girlfriend! Who knew buying groceries could be so great!" he giggled, as he playfully ran ahead. 

Do you know what you did to me Mark? How you made me feel? Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. Nonetheless, I'll tell you. You made me happy. In the longest time ever, you managed to put a smile on my face. You managed to get me to appreciate life. That's not easy, I'm telling you, but you, Mark, you managed that, that Saturday morning. 

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