Yoongi // I'm Done (♕)

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Min Yoongi. The guy I'll do anything for, well I do anything he wants. Willingly of course cause I know how hard he works, I try to, whenever I can at least, make anything easier for him. I wake a little bit before him to dry his rope so he's not cold, make sure his slippers are by the bed, dry his towels so he has warm towels after his shower, pull his clothes out, make a good breakfast for him, and make sure he wakes up on time. I love doing this and I know he appreciates it. He always shows it with showers of hugs, kisses, and "thank you's". Now of course I get stuff back. He does the same the same thing for me on the weekend. Not only am I sweet during the day but I'm sweet during the night. I Make Sure he comes home to his favorite show on, a warm bed, and hot dinner waiting for him. Once again he always appreciates and comes home changes to get comfy, and automatically comes to me to give me kisses and compliments. I love it so much, I look forward to it, but tonight was different.
"Hey Oppa, hey was work today?" I said cheerfully. He wasn't as cheerful, which was weird. "It was fine Y/N, I'm tired I'm going to bed." He grunted. I Kinda poured sub consciously. "B-But Yoongi, I made dinner for you." I said quietly. I saw he got annoyed and he slightly raised his voice, "I don't care if you made dinner or not. I said I'm tired, goodnight." His voice was loud and stern, he clinched his fist which scared me but not enough. I know for a fact he's not tired, and I know he had a bad day I could tell. Unlike his other girlfriends in the past, I'm completely different in multiple ways. I'm not afraid to stand up to him and tell him when he's wrong, and he knows that. I walked into the room with a little power which shocked Yoongi. "What do you want, Y/N" he uttered. That was it, he still had this huge attitude, and I was fed up. "I'm sick of this Yoongi. You come home and just act like a complete dick and I'm sick of it! I'm not like your other girlfriends. You can't just come home and like ignore me, like you have with other girls! When I ask you how you're days gone I don't want these short 3 word answers like 'It was fine.' or 'It was good'. I care, I don't care if you think I don't or if you think you're day was boring. I care. I've gone over this how many times now? I'm done Yoongi. I can't deal with it. Like now that I think of it. It's 50/50. You're either extremely happy or just a complete dick with an attitude. I try my best and sometimes it's just not good enough so I'm done. We're done." I was so upset, and this whole little spill was a shocker for him. "Y/N please listen-" he muttered. "No you listen, do you realize how much I love you. You just seem like you don't care, I know you do but sometimes it just seems like you don't show it sometimes." I shouted. At this point I saw his eyes water. I just walked away and sat in the room thinking.

A/N : i'm writing this part while eating ramen cx

In the middle of the fight I realized something. I don't think he ever really appreciated me. Yeah he gave me hugs and kisses and he said thank you one stop but, I don't think he realizes how much I care about him and how much I do for him. So this fight is the last. I stood up changed clothed and texted my friend.

Y/N - Y/F/N, can i stay over there a few nights?

Y/F/N - Yeah sure. Something wrong, like do you need to talk.

Y/N - umm yeah, but i'll tell you when i get there. see you in a few. bye.

Y/F/N - Uh okay. Bye.

I put my phone away, and walked out. Then I saw him, sitting there... crying. All because of me. "No" I thought to myself. "You can't turn back now. He's fine. He'll get over it. Right? I don't care if he does or doesn't. It's his fault. I'm done." I walked over to him and said. "Yoongi, I'm leaving. Not just leaving, but I'm leaving you. We're done Yoongi. I'm staying at Y/F/N for awhile. Once I get stuff figured out, I'm coming to get my stuff."

A/N - umm my head hurts rn and i cant sleep, my friend helping me write this knows why cx so i'm gonna try to write till i fall asleep. also i relate to jin so much because like i'm getting scared 25/8 and jimin cause i fall all the time (btw it's 3:30 am and i'm watching bts crack. why, just why. okay bye.

He started crying but I knew if I let my guard down, I'd end up forgiving him for doing me wrong. "Y/N, p-please-" he stuttered. "No, please Yoongi. I can tell when i'm not appreciated or wanted. Please just stop it, I'm not staying. Why would I stay, huh? For you to treat me the same way. I've been blind this whole time. Every time we fight you say you'll change but you haven't. I hate being like this towards you but, but it's like the only way you'll listen. I've been sweet too long. I've let you walk on me, while not even noticing. You definitely pulled the wool over the sheeps eyes Yoongi. Stop with pleases and the begging. I'm leaving and you won't stop me. I would say I'm sorry but, I'm not. I hope you're not late cause I won't be there. Also I hope you enjoy freezing mornings with cold wood against your feet and cold towels around your body. You'll get use to it after a while, I had to. Trust me, you'll wish I was here after a day. You're gonna be so lonely and cold, especially in the morning. Ha, too bad." I shrugged my shoulder as he stood up weakly walking towards me. I had love left for him at this point and I saw how much it killed. "Hmm too bad you didn't have a hot dinner to help you. It's on the stove, but it's probably cold. Well that sucks. Bye bye." I said as I smiled cheerfully. Too see him like this, with no strength in his body.. him crying over me. I felt strong and dominant, especially since I've never seen him like this. After being with him for so long, my heart feels... different. Like real happiness, not the happiness I swore up and down Yoongi gave me. I grabbed my keys and left. The amount of joy that brought me was... blissful.

A/N - okay so wow 3:45 and i'm listening to save me on repeat while being in complete shock because of what i just wrote. i'll be honest with you, i was not aware of what i was writing. like i just blanked out and typed. i don't remember typing this and i don't remember hearing music while writing this either. like i idk just got lost in such a small paragraph. anyways sorry for all the A/Ns.

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