Chapter Sixteen

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< Things spoken in Korean will be in italics >

Donghyuck was finally walking you up to your house after the great time you'd both had together. Looking up at the sky, it was pretty much dark out as you could see the sun setting in the distance. "Thank you for today," you looked to Donghyuck stopping at your door.

"I had fun." He smiled, placing his arms around you in a needy hug. Donghyuck pulled away, but not entirely so he could look at you. Eyes flicking to your lips, he didn't waste another second in kissing you again.

You tried to pull away, knowing your parents were waiting on you. Laughing the whole way, Donghyuck persisted as he refused to let you go, pecking every inch of your face. "Donghyuck, I have to go!" You say whilst in a fit of giggles. He mananged to place one final kiss to your jaw before you successfully pushed him away, shaking your head at how childish he was.

"I couldn't help myself."

Shaking your head at him, you wave goodbye and you started to open your front door. "Bye, Donghyuck!"

"See you at school tomorrow." You gave him one last smile before finally closing the door behind you. As soon as you shut it, you rested you back against it closing you eyes as you relived everything that happened between you and him tonight. Giddy with excitement, you happily strolled into your kicthen in hopes of greeting your parents.

"Hey g-"

"Where have you been?" That was not the greeting you were hoping for.

"What do you mean? You know where I was!" You were confused where this sudden anger from them was coming from.

"We'd thought you'd be back sooner." Your Mom continue in an emotionless voice.

"___, she's just upset is all." Thankfully your Dad was the voice of reason, stopping your mother from speaking any further. "There's actually a lot we've been concerned with that we want to talk about."

"What could be wrong with the company? You moved here for a reason so everything should be fine."

"It's not just the company honey." He stopped. "It's you. You come home late everyday after shool. We never know where you're at or what you're doing. You spend all your time away from us hanging out with these random boys-"

"They are not random boys!" You protested, hands flying in the air as you spoke. "They are the only friends I have here. At least they've made me feel at home for once since the move!"

"Don't raise your voice at us! Who knows what your doing outside of this house! We don't know your grades, your friends-" your mother yelled from across the room.

"Maybe if you actually gave a crap about me for once and asked me how my life has been since we moved here, then you'd know what's been going on in my life!"

"____," your father stepped in again, blocking your view of your mother. "Things obviously aren't working out here. So, we've made some decisions."

You turned your back on your family, not wanting to hear anymore as you headed for you room. Half way to the stairs, you stop in your tracks as you hear him yell one last thing.

"We're moving back to America."

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