Chapter Thirteen

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<Things spoken in Korean will be in italics >

"This is practice room!" Donghyuck exclaimed while holding the door open for you to enter. The other members were already in there, eyes flying to the entrance seeing who was there.

"There you are." Taeil said seeing Donghyuck finally entering the room.

"Hey ___," Mark smiled at you as you waved in return.

Donghyuck put his bag in the corner of the room, walking back over next to you. "Sorry hyung. I had to wait for ____ after school so she could come watch us practice."

"As long as it's okay with you guys." You unconsciously stood closer to Donghyuck, not knowing what they would say.

"Of course it's okay," Jaehyun spoke up, the other members adding in a chorus of nods while the dance intructor smiled at you in affirmation.

"Thank you," you bowed slightly, looking up at Donghyuck.

"Have seat there." Donghyuck kindly pointed to a table in the back of the studio where you'd be able to watch without getting in the way.

Donghyuck was oblivious to the way all of his members stood in amazement hearing him communicate with you in english. Taeyong had a smirk spread across his face, quickly fading once the instructor had begun to start the practice.

Listening to them speaking, you were able to understand that they were practicing the dance for their comeback song Firetruck. You'd never heard Donghyuck singing before, and hearing the sound of his voice in the music playing had you feeling some type of way.

Watching him dance was another thing. You looked at all their reflections in the mirror, seeing the choreography as a whole the first time around. But eventually each time you found your eyes slowly drifting to Donghyuck's moving body. He was such a good dancer, and watching him move only made you more confused in terms of the way you felt about him.  

From time to time in the choreography when Donghyuck was facing away from the mirror and in your direction, he'd make a funny face or wink in your direction as he made you smile without even trying.

"Okay that's enough for today. Good job everyone." The instructor said once the practice was over, and you found yourself almost sad that it had ended. The room was filled with heavy breathing as each boy was heaving from the intense dancing.

They eventually filed out of the room without speaking a word to each other, leaving you and Donghyuck alone in the stuffy studio.

Watching Donghyuck's form slowly approaching you, you could see he was still tired and breathing heavy from the dancing. You were trying your hardest not to think about how good he looked with his chest heaving being all sweaty from the practicing.

Wanting to scold yourself after being caught staring by Donghyuck, he smirked down at you, sitting in the seat next to yours. "It's ok. If I were you, I'd be looking at me too." You smacked him playfully, annoyed that you didn't how to respond in Korean. He probably thought you wouldn't have understood him, but you got every word. "I'm kidding." He laughs.

"Where everyone go?" This made Donghyuck burst into a fit of giggles at your choppy Korean, unable to control himself. "What?" You smile, only smiling because he was too.

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