Chapter Two

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You thought getting off the plane would be the worst part. Finally standing after hours and hours of what seemed like the longest flight ever, you'd almost forgotten that you were now standing in a country completely foreign to you.

But that wasn't the worst part. Walking into a house you'd never stepped foot in before knowing that you'd be spending the next chapter of your life here was the most horrid feeling possible.

Your room was small considering the home you'd been used to back in the states. Just looking at it you knew it be nearly impossible for you to ever be completely comfortable in this place you were supposed to calls your own.

Looking out the window, all you could see was your home looking over the streets of Seoul. Buildings and signs with writing on it you simply couldn't comprehend.

The idea of an absolutely foreign language you knew nothing about completely boggled your mind. It was something you hadn't thought about at the time, but now it sunk in to you that you'd need to learn the language if you were ever going to be able to function around here.

Giving up on taking it all in, you simply walked down the stairs passing your parents and grabbing a jacket off the chair. "Where do you think you're going?" You're mom called, forcing you to stop in your tracks.

"To find a store." You say in a rather blatant tone.

"You don't even know what's around us let alone know what the signs say." said your dad.

"I'll figure it out." Not wanting to be bothered further with your stomach growling, you stepped out the door into the unfamiliar city. Several attached stores were located down the street, and so you decided to take your chances.

Spotting a store that looked like a 7/11 you would find back at your home in America, you sighed in relief seeing shelves of food once you pushed the doors open. The worker at the front desk said something uncomprehendable to you, and all you could do was nod and smile.

Strolling down the various isles, you throw your head back in annoyance at the fact you couldn't read any of the lables on the food. Spotting something that you could easily tell was ramen without reading anything, you quickly grabbed it, settling rather than searching any further.

Taking the ramen you picked up nervously to the register, the worker looked at your expectedly. "How much is this?" You spoke in english, hoping she'd be able to understand you.

That was a total fail.

All she could do was blink at you, saying something else in Korean to you that you just didn't understand. So awkwardly you stood there, until you saw the worker's eyes shift to something behind you. Suddenly you began feeling light tapping on your shoulder.

There stood a cute Korean boy in casual attire that seemed to be your age looking right at you.
He pointed to the ramen in your hands, speaking in shy english. "T-this?"

You nod softly, smiling in his direction. Turning away from you, he looked at the worker as they exchanged several words in Korean until the mystery boy took money from his pocket, handing it to the worker as she nodded back to you.

Realizing that he'd just payed for your ramen and handled the situation for you, all you could do was look in disbelief and utter a small "Thank you," before he bowed to you and quickly left the store.

You eventually followed suit, heading back to your new home. A smile lightly played on your face, secretly hoping you'd see him around.

Maybe you could find some good things in this place.

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