Chapter Nine

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< Things spoken in Korean will be in italics >

Thanks to Mark who basically dragged you with him everday, you'd begun to sit with everyone at lunch once again. You really missed everybody, and you didn't know that everyone missed you as well until you were attacked by questions from each and every one of them.

They noticed your Korean slightly getting better, but there were still often times when you didn't know what was going on in the conversation. So you would just sit there practicing your listening skills instead.

Donghyuck was very observant compared to the rest though. He could always tell when you didn't know what was being talked about whenever you became quiet and started tuning out of the conversation. When this happened, he would always begin to speak slower, using words he knew you would understand, bringing you back in.

"Donghyuck why are you speaking like that." Renjun complained when his speech became much slower.

"___ couldn't understand us and that's not fair to her is it you carrot looking-" Donghyuck trailed off, everyone laughing at his sudden roast.

"So protective." Jeno smirked, elbowing Jaemin playfully.

You thought Donghyuck would leap from the table. "If you two don't-"

"Hey ___," Mark interrupted before the situation could escalate. "Are you doing anything after school today?"

Pausing to think for a second, you shake your head in response. "I don't think so. Why?"

"You should come over to SM with us later then. I could help you some more with your Korean and I thought you could meet some of our members."

"Am I even allowed to go there with you guys?"

"I mean," Mark stopped, not really sure how to answer. "It's not like we're not allowed to make friends so I think once you're there he won't really be able to say no so..."

You laugh, rolling your eyes. "That doesn't sounds too convincing."

"Come on! It'll be fun!" He tries to persuade you. "Don't you guys want her to come to SM after school."

"Yeah!" Renjun was the first to speak up. "I mean I don't know what Sooman will say at first but you should come anyway."

You silently looked over to Donghyuck who had been quiet this whole time, looking for some sign if approval from him. "Don't be such a killjoy and come over." He jokes, happy when you actually understood what he said.

Rolling your eyes, you lay back in your seat with a defeated expression. "Okay, fine."

"Who were you on the phone with and why did I hear my name so many times?" You look to Mark as you walked out of the school together.

"Did you not just hear what we were talking about?"

"I didn't understand a thing you said."

Shaking his head and chuckling, he turns to face you. "It was our manager. He said just as long as we bring you to our dorms and no where else that it'd be okay."

You smiled, glad you'd be able to actually have a social life outside of school for once.

"He also said not to get used to it." He sounded annoyed. You nodded, excited regardless.

After walking for some time, you were surprised to see a large building with the words SM Entertainment on the front. So this was was where Mark and the others in NCT lived and trained everyday.

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