"Stop, Wells. Look, I'm sorry. I've made up my mind. I'm sorry." Barry says and I nod as he sighs.

"We're gonna have to figure out how to do this without The Flash, and me. God knows, if I go out there, who knows what Zoom will do." I say and Barry nods.

Cisco and I pack the truck with all the equipment necessary for us to use. We then head over to Jitters and park somewhere where Rupture wouldn't see the truck. Barry then comes in and sets himself up and takes position. "You all set, Cisco?" we hear Joe ask through the walkie talkie. "Yeah, we're set." Cisco responds to him and I look back at Barry. "Here he comes." Joe says and Cisco and I stare at the screens to watch the footage in Jitters. Suddenly, the glass of the entrance breaks, and Rupture walks in, then looks around for any of the officers. "Now where has everybody gone?" Rupture asks and Barry starts to run making the hologram appear inside Jitters. "Flash. Not who I was expecting, but you'll be a nice warm-up." Rupture says. He swings his scythe around and shoots a blast of energy toward the hologram, which Cisco "dodges". "Too slow, Rupture." Cisco says and I smirk as I look at him and I turn to Barry as he watches through his own screens and moves to the side, simulating a dodge. I turn back to the screens and see Rupture shoot a blast of energy again, only to hit a TV screen on the wall. "Come on, Flash!" Rupture says and I look at Cisco. "Alright, time to win an Oscar." he says and I look over to Barry. "Let's do it." Barry says and I watch again. The hologram runs back in and Rupture turns to look at it, and shoots blasts of energy at it, only to continually miss, until it "hits" the hologram. The hologram falls back and Rupture was about to attack, when Joe suddenly shoots at him with another cop, tasing Rupture.

"Are we the guys you looking for?" Joe asks him.

"Hope you like being alone, 'cause you won't be talking to anyone in Iron Heights." Singh tells him.

I turn to look at Barry with a smile as he chuckles, "Cisco, we got him. All good." Joe tells us and I look over to Cisco with a comforting smile. I look at the screens to see a camera record Joe and Singh holding Rupture. Suddenly, Zoom appears at Jitters and I widen my eyes as I stared at the screen. Officers pulled their guns out and pointed them at him as the cameraman pointed the camera at Zoom. "Make sure you get this." Zoom says and I look in worry as I watched. "What the--" Cisco stopped talking as he looked at the screen. "They gotta get out of there." Barry says as he pulls off the motion sensors off of him. Zoom's blue lightning surrounds him and as Joe yells to everyone to move, Zoom zips around the place and kills everyone in the building except Joe, Singh, and Rupture. I gasp in horror as I watch the officers and innocent cameraman fall to the ground, dead. Barry suddenly dashes out of the truck and I look at him in worry, "Barry, don't!" I yell out, but he keeps running to Jitters. I was about to dash after him, until Cisco grabbed my arm. "You're not going. If you go, Zoom could kidnap you, too. And if he does, Barry's never gonna get over it." Cisco says and I look back at the screen to see Zoom hold Singh by his throat and chokes him.

"I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me." Zoom tells Singh.

Barry then comes in and looks at Zoom, "Hey, stop! Stop! God... You've made your point." Barry tells him and I stare at the screen worriedly. "Not quite yet." Zoom says and he throws Singh to the ground, and kills Rupture. "You're an even bigger disappointment than your brother." Zoom tells Rupture as he lays him on the counter and takes his hand out, instantly killing Rupture. I look over to Cisco as he looks at the screen in shock. I turn back to the screen, seeing Zoom pick the camera up, and pointing it to himself. "Central City, The Flash you've seen in your streets is a fake. A hologram meant to give you hope. But there is no more hope, there is no more Flash, and there is no one left to protect your city from me. And if Hummingbird tries to make a move, she will suffer the same fate as these men and women." Zoom says and I glare at the screen. Zoom throws the camera down and looks back at Singh, "Tell the rest of your force, Captain, that their policing days are over." Zoom tells him, and he turns to look at Barry.

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