jealousy is not a good color on you...

4 1 0

today is harrys and jacksons birthday party ... rylee and me are rushing to make things perfect.when we got done we headed up stairs to get dressed. I haven't seen Jackson all day ,but me and harry had talked all day long abt countless of things....if i got over Jackson I would like to give harry a chance. my thoughts were interupted by rylee " you look stunning" she said in awee " quit talkin abt ur self" I laughed . i looked into the mirror . I had a tight red dress on with sparkley silver pumps .

my hair was curled to perfection and my make up was close to perfect. we heard people entering the house. the party was in full swing . I had already had 9 beers and 17 shots . I stumbled into the back yard for some air but it was crowded with people . I looked to the left and saw a smokin hot guy next to me with his shirt off. then I looked to my right were Jackson stood making out with brittney! I saw angery to say the least . maybe this was the girl who had his heart? its time for me to move on . its clear he has. with that said I turned back to my left and started to dance with the guy to my left... that soon turned into a full on make out . we pulled back and I swear to god that was the best make out ever!!!! " leo" he said into my neck. I smiled "august" "I love your name"he said " leo ur name isnt half bad either" I said in a sarcastic voice, he chuckled " I wanna see you some time " he said taking my phone and putting his number in. he handed me his phone and I did the same. after that he left in his car . I could not stop smiling . it felt good to be happy, when I turned away I saw Jackson starring at me with anger in his eyes . I just shrugged my shoulders . I'm not gonna deal with him tonight "who was that" he snarled "that was leo" the mention of his name made me smile a big one at that " he doesnt look like your type" he said  " oh whats my type then ..cause I already know yours"I shot back " whats my type" he said smirking " you like wanna be barbies with bleached blonde dyed hair who spend there time laying on there back with there legs wide open " I said with the biggest smirk ever . we looked at me wide eye . then I walked away I don't know where I'm going but I'm going .


(the next morning )

I woke up . in a room that wasn't mine it was a boys room. I looked on the ground to find Jackson sleeping soundly with all his clothes on. think the godsssss . I kicked him a couple of times before he had woken up . "Leo kept texting u last night" he said "k" I shortly replied

" is brittney the one u love" I wondered out loud . " no shes not" he cleared that up "meet me in the field at 7" and then he walked away just like that. I went and got dressed realising it was 6:57 . I always wake up late!


(its 7 )

jacksons p.o.v

we have been sitting here for hours just looking into the stars. she sat up suddenly so I did the same . I didn't realise how close we were till are lips were brushing against each others . neither of us dared to move

"until you blew my mind"I whispered against her lips then smashed mine into her warm ones . we were interupted by her phone going off. I looked at the screen and it was leo, I looked up at her and she smiled . that smile that u smile when ur happy. my anger got the best of me . two can play at this game. she wants to pretend she likes leo . ill pretend that the girl I'm in love with isn't her! "I'm really sorry that was a mistake .we weren't supost to kiss at all. I only want her lips on mine not yours" I said making it sound believe able . she had this hurt look in her eyes then covered it up "yeah well umm I have to go me and harry have maybe later u can tell me about the love of ur life but right now I have to go see my guys" she said with a playfull wink. u could still distantly see the hurt in her eyes. then she was gone. and I stayed there by myself thinking of aiden.

august p.o.v

Harry came into veiw and I lost myself . Jackson doesn't even love me so what the hell . fuck it . " hey" he said and I kissed him. it didn't feel right but i kept kissing him and he kissed back . we pulled away breathless he looked sad " u only kissed me to get him off ur mind" he said . which was true and I'm not gonna lie to him "yeah but I don't regret it" I said truthfully and then walked away to the oak tree by the field . since I always Carrie my I home with me I plugged it into the pull light and turned it up all the way and danced around with a whisky bottle in my hand . I screamed the line that had been in my mind " until u blew my mind" I yelled and yelled . "yeah well tell that to the love of your god damn life" I yelled and threw my whisky bottle at the tree and let it shatter into pieces just like my heart. I knew I was crazy from the way I was yelling at thin air but I needed this I laid there in the field until I drifted off into a woner land

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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