dairy queen guy ;)

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As my alarmed beeped and beeped I reached up and smacked it with all my force till it stopped it was now 6:00 in the morning and I'm sure as hell not a morning person. I flung my covers and got out of bed and walked to the bathroom there I turned on the shower and let the warm beeds of water hit my body . As I got out i felt cold again I walked over to my closet and picked out a pink crop top that said babe on it and some black ripped high wasted shorts with some black jordans , after that I put on some eyeliner and alittle mascarra I already had long eye lashes. as I curled my hair to perfection I heard a knock as I opened it I found rylee wearing similar clothing to mine she had a dark blue crop top on with regular shorts and some blue flats her hair was perfectly straight. " babe u look smokin" I said in a jersey acient we both died laughing . after I grabbed my purse and keys we headed out. As we pulled up it felt like all eyes were on us. as I pulled open the blue doors I hit something really hard I looked up to see no other than dairy queen guy .then he look passed by me to this blonde short chubby girl " well hi there" he said .some girl called her name " lily" she squelled " Omg brittney " they hugged while Jackson had a bored look on his face , lily turned to us " hi I'm lily and ur those youtubers that make those dance videos and those singing videos" she said smiling , I gave a small smile and noded" yeah that's me august rae and rylee lynn" I said motioning to rylee she smiled but it slowly faded when she realized jackson staring at me she then smashed her lips into his . a small smirk appeared on my face " awe thats so cute! how long have u been together" I said acting interested " we are not together" jackson said with a bored expresstion she then glared at me then walked away " already making emenys are we " he said with a smirk " its not like I was gonna be her friend" I said he looked at ne confused " why" he said " I don't trust people like that" I said with a frown then the bell rang " she's nothin i just sleep with her" I could here the smirk " well aren't u a charmer" I said sarcasm dripping from my words " bye august" he said" bye player" I said "I'm not a player" he said with a clenched jaw

" sure ur not" I said . rylees not in my first hour so i went to the back of the class room and let the hr pass

rylee P.O.V

I walked into first hour . it was Mr.miller for science he asked me to say my name " hi ...um im rylee lynn" I smiled and then sat down next t- wait thats the dairy queen guy!!! shyt hes turning around shyt shyt shyt " hey I'm josh " he said with a smirk then that whor- i mean brittney planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek looking at me the whole time I just smiled.For the rest of the hour I was so uncomfortable. as soon as that bell rung I was out and to second hr which I didn't have with august .

august P.O.V

I deciced to skip second hr .I walked out the back doors , I saw a guy smoking his head snapped in my direction." hey" he said I just nodded in response . I sat down on the bench next to where he was standing this school had a amazing field . he came over and sat next to me " how do u like this hell whole" he said with discust in his voice " its not half bad just a bunch of wanna be barbies nothing I can't handle" I said with a smirk he laughed he had a cute laugh. we talked for awhile . he grabbed my phone a typed something then called his phone " here u go august" he said and left . I looked down at my phone and the name read " that sexy guy " I chuckled at that

rylee p.O.V

AGAIN..... he is in my class again but this time he was sitting with a bunch of douches and brittney. as the teacher walked into 2 nd hr. she announced that we had a project and we would be working in partners. " I'm picking the partners" she simply stated I waited for my name to be called " rylee lynn and josh beaker" I instinally frowned and it was enough for everyone to noticed even the teacher " is there a problem ms.lynn" she asked " no everything is just peachy " I said sarcam dripping from each word people snicked . the bell finally rang and I darted out the class room to my locker to find august


"hey babe" i said and smiled "hey" she said looking allitle annoyed. Just before i could ask her about it jackson and harry and the other guy we saw in dairy queen came up to us , he looked at rylee which caused her to blush.just then one of the guys spoke " hey well i got a project with rylee here and we need to work on it tonight" dariy queen guy #2 said "that wont wor-" i cutt her off "thats perfect meet us after school" i said smirking at rylee knowing shes totally in to him!


As we walked up to our door step the guys followed. there was a note on the door it said girls, we need to talk as soon as i get home, love mom. Iwalked striaght to my room when i heard foot steps following me . i tried to shut my door when a foot stoped it .....it was harry "hey miss social butterfly" he said sarcastically i laughed "how are you" he asked " as good as its gonna get for me " i stated .we just sat there cracking jokes and laughing at them. i could already tell he is gonna be a good friend of mine, all of a sudden the door opened, jackson appeared "ever heard of knocking?" i said "no i havent' he said and laughed " josh wants u " he said directed to harry he nodded and left the room . jackson sat next to me 'so u guys have fun " he sneered, what was his problem , we were seriously just laughing like wtf " we just joked around"i said with a smirk . i think its time i have fun ... i tillted my chin up so my lips were just bariley brushing his ear then whisphered " is the bad boy jealous" then i walked off to down stairs . leaving him in awe of what just happend . i saw harry sitting on the chair on his phone ' heu mr.social butterfly' i said pointing to his phone he chuckled he then handed me a headphone and we listened to a whole bunch of music . i didnt even realize we were dancing until i heard a whole bunch of laughter . harry and i looked up and joined there laughter. "we have to go now but thanks" no later dd they leave in walked are mom. " girls i have a work trip i need to take

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