you will be the death of me!

4 2 0

august p.o.v

It felt strange as I walked down stairs.this whole morning has been strange ,random noises but no voices . Just the someone put a clothe over my mouth and I felt my eyes get heavy.

I fluttered my eyes open only to see a dark room " hello " my voice rang through the room. " babe- I mean august" a deep husky voice said was familiar..James .as he came into a new found light I saw Jackson over in the corner looking at me with so much love and hate in his eyes but he was also looking at James. I wasn't the least bit scared, James would never hurt me! he lifted my chin then looked at Jackson , he pushed his lips against mine,hut it didn't feel right it felt wrong! I pulled my lips away in discust. " what am I not as good as lover boy" he spoke with venom "why" I said " why don't u trust me" he shot back

" I was tought never to trust snakes" I screamed . he looked hurt but the covered it up with a cold expression " but u did , remember when I cheated with Rebecca , she was amazing by the way . she was everything ur not" he said in my face. anger broke of the scale, " exactly WAS she will never be me because I will always be better then her. I'm not a slut but the jokes actually on u she never liked u she was fucking luke the whole time u bastard " I yelled and struggled to get out of the tap " I hate u ..I hate u ive always hated u ..u heartless pig" I screamed . I couldn't even feel anything " guess u didn't know I was unbreakable huh?" I said with edge to my voice he just starred at me taken back by my out burst then he walked behind me and grabbed my chair pulling it to wear I was sitting infront of Jackson . Jackson looked me in my eyes but it broke away when James punched him in the jaw . that got me angry he then walked up the stairs and shut the four behind him. " what happend to the tracker u should have saw this coming" I said angry " we weren't really paying attention to that " he said and chuckled " how is this funny" I screamed , he looked me dead in my eyes " I was more worries abt u , I could hear ur crying from a mile away" he said with a smirk " I was not crying I was sleeping and u should have kept ur eyes on what matters most" I said firmly " well u had my mind spining all night thinking of u" giving me a cheeky smile that honestly melted my heart! just then my tap slipped off , well that was easy ! I went to find Something sharp but I remember my key in my bra I took it out and cut the tap off of his arms and legs . He stood up and pinned me against the wall . I whispered in his neck " I don't think knows the time" I said lowly " when is it ever with u" he said disappointment in his voice , but he didn't let go. " why do u care so much" I said " because u ....u interest me and u make me feel diffrent ur not like the rest" he said softly and all I could think was how cheesy ..haha " ur just now figuring that out" I said in fake disbelief . he chuckled deeply " we are taking the window out of here" he said serious

I nodded in agree ment but before he let go he placed a small kiss on my neck , I looked into his eyes which held so much emotion it was amazing . i sat there for a moment in a daze i honestly knw that he never loved me but a part of me always held onto the fact that he always said he did . "come on " he said hurrying me along I claimed out the window and so did jackson . I made no eye conection at all . i couldn't look at him ... I had come to my sences I August rae was falling for the bad boy

so this really isn't the best chapter sorry for that. please comment and vote...just wait the story gets better

mistakes we made for love (ON HOLD)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα