10. Chapter - Angry Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

"Oh God," I groaned one more time, silently hoping no one saw us on our way here. It would be such a scandal I couldn't even think about it. My father and Alison would kill me, and our business would suffer a lot under the pressure from press and our partners. My stomach churned and I could feel yesterday's drinks coming up. Just the imagination of the consequences my actions could cause made me sick. Mix it up with a hangover and alcohol still present in my blood and I was ready to throw up all over the bed and the unexpected guest still sleeping in it. I was really thankful to my past experience with alcohol at the moment. Throwing up all over myself in front of a stranger? Nothing more embarrassing could happen to me. Lying back down, careful to not move too much, I closed my eyes, burrowed my head into the soft, still warm pillow and took several deep breaths to calm my churning stomach. I had to remain in the same position for another ten minutes before I calmed down enough to be sure I wouldn't spill the contents out of it the moment I sat up.

Sitting up, once again, slowly testing the endurance of my sick stomach, I looked at the guy next to me more carefully. I couldn't help but think he was somehow familiar. He looked young, with his messy brown hair and fine tanned skin that was, after my further inspection, cover in hickeys and bruises. There was a tattoo on the back of his neck too, some kind of Asian sign and a small dragon twisted around it. It looked good, and his slender neck looked even more appealing with it; it was somehow hypnotizing, and I found myself wanting to kiss it. Luckily, he decided it was a good idea to wake up at that moment, and it helped me get under control.

He opened his brown eyes, slowly sitting up and looking around, slight frown ruining his hot as hell face. The moment our eyes met I was hit with memories of him and the night we spent together. The hairs on my whole body stood up, my blood running cold. It was the fucking bastard of a bartender that pissed me off so much yesterday. What the hell happened that I took him to my hotel room?

Scowling down at him, readying myself to give him piece of my mind and throwing him out of my room, the door to the bedroom burst open and angry looking man stood there, watching me with murder written all over his face.

"Who in the fuck are you?" I growled, my head starting to pound more and more. I was sure I was going to have a terrible headache after I finished dealing with both of them. Just thinking about it was making me irritated.

"That's what I should be asking, you son of a bitch!" He stomped inside of the room, and if my reflexes weren't as good as they were, I would end up with broken nose. The force in his fist blew a light whiff of air on my face, and I felt like my eyes were about to fall out of its sockets. My heart was pounding inside of my chest, threatening to break free from the adrenaline wave that run through me after his action. The fucker swung his fist at me!

I jumped out of the bed, trying my hardest to stand still without swaying, but my head was spinning so much it was impossible. Staggering a bit, I had to hold onto the nearest wall, breathing heavily as my nausea came back in full force.

"Nick, what the fuck?! Really? You had to choose this pathetic piece of shit to cheat with?" he yelled, running his hand through his sandy brown hair, face twisted in anger. He looked like this wasn't the first time something like this happened but it didn't matter. I didn't want to be involved in a lovers' quarrel. I had enough of these in my life even without this.

Straightening up a little to see at least a little bit serious and intimidating, I glared at the both of them.

"Look, I don't care about your situation or whatever. Just get out of my room, right know!" I paused, thinking there was something important I forgot but I just couldn't remember what it was.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm not the one who is sleeping with your boyfriend!" the intruder yelled and that was when it clicked. How the fuck did the bastard got inside of my room?! The lock was automatic so every time the door was closed it locked itself!

"I don't fucking care! How the hell did you get inside in the first place? If you won't leave right away I'm calling police!" I growled, my patience running short. My head hurt, there were two strangers in my room, arguing over bullshit, and the door to my room probably stopped working properly, allowing everyone to come and leave whenever they wanted to. Someone was definitely going to hear about that.

The boyfriend of my one night stand looked at me, hatred written all over his face, fist clenched so much his knuckles were white.

"Some fucker outside let me in when he heard me. Call the police, whatever, but he had a key so there's nothing illegal happening here. And shut the fuck up! We are having a conversation here." His words rung in my ears, loud and clear. And I could hear the thin string of my patience snapping.

I saw red.


The chapter feels weird to me, kind of messy, but it's up to you to judge!

What do you think? Does it feel weird? And if so, what exactly is it that feels weird? I can't figure it out -_- 

Let me know your opinions on it! ^.^ 

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now