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Yeah, yeah rules. You hate them. I know. However, I will not stand for complete chaos.

1) You MUST wait to be accepted to start and you have to ask "May I?" before starting.

2) Don't interrupt other's roleplay. Don't be rude.

3) Censor your swearing.

4) Smut is a pm thing only.

5) Please only respond in third person and past tense. I do not want to see:

* waves* Hi!

That ish is punishable by banishment.

6) Do not make overpowered characters. I know you all probably won't do this but just a reminder, your character has to have some flaws.

7) No killing my characters.

8) Please be descriptive. I'm not asking for a paragraph, just don't respond with one word.

9) Spelling and grammar is important to me. I can look over it a few times but please at least try to spell correctly.

10) I'm online most of the time but if I don't reply for a few hours without giving a reason, you can tag me after an hour.

11) I like to role play as both guys and girls. To keep from having all girl characters here, I'm going to make some of them gay.

12) Play nice and have fun 😄

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