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Jihyun's POV

" Wake up ! " I nudged Guanlin but he doesn't want to get up and we are going to be late soon. I stood up and glared at him.

" I'll leave now then. " I walked out of the house without him. I've already tried to wake him up since 6am and it's currently 6:45am.

When I got to school , I quickly went to class to try to find my missing lock.

That lock was the last gift I got from my grandpa and it means a lot to me. To me , my grandpa is the greatest person in the world , he used to be in the military force and he fought for the country.

I searched everywhere but there is no sign of the lock.

" Look , Its trash again. " They laughed as they walked past me. I continued searching for the lock , I'm not giving up until I finds it.

" Trash belongs to the floor , good that she knows her place. " Soyeon laughed and her little minions followed along.

I heard someone's footstep and I looked up to see Sangna standing by the door with a irritated expression.

" Are you guys going to be so shallow as to bully her ? " Soyeon glared at her before attempting to walk out of the classroom but failed.

" I'm talking to you. "

Sangna is a pretty bubbly girl but I have no idea why is she so fierce right now . She looked down at me before breaking into smile.

" What are you looking for ? " She bend down and I just told her I was looking for my lock. She nodded and she started searching for it too.

" Everyone back to your seats ! " All of us got back to our seats and I realised Guanlin isn't here yet. His going to kill me so badly but I've did my part.

" M- "

" Lai Guanlin , Why are you late ? " He looked at me while I looked away , avoiding his gaze. He told Mrs Kang that he overslept.

I felt someone glaring at me and I know who it is.

He walked to his desk and slammed his bag pack onto the desk and everyone flinched. I mean it isn't my fault that I took the initiative to wake him up but he doesn't want to , right ?

During Lunch , He ignored me totally and literally walked away when I said something to him.

His so petty.

Lesson started and this time , it requires us to form groups. Sangna dragged me to her desk but the problem is that Guanlin is alone.

" Guanlin , Please partner Sangna and Jihyun. " My eyes widened.

No. No. No.

He walked towards us and sat down beside me. I could feel his glare at the surface of my skin , Guanlin is just that scary.

After the whole school hours ended , I quickly walked out of the class in case Guanlin catches up and i'm dead.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched.

I turned around and realised it's Sangna and not Guanlin. I sighed in relieve and she chuckled as the sight of a nervous me.

" Sangna-ah , leave her alone. She don't deserve your pity. " Someone told her and her once cheerful face now became a glare.

" She's my friend , I didn't pity her that's why I became friends with her. Why must you guys always look down on her ? " She screamed.

The once noisy hallway now became pin drop silence as everyone advert their attention towards Sangna.

" She's a beautiful lady and you guys are going to regret treating her this way ! " She screamed before dragging me out of the school.

As we are walking to the bus stop , she kept stealing glances of me. She sighed before opening her mouth to say something.

" I'm sorry if whatever happened just now made you uncomfortable. " I shook my head and smiled.

Just then , She asked me when is my birthday.

" 3rd September. " Her eyes widened as she took out her phone. She smacked me on my arm before squealing.

" It's your birthday today ! What do you want ? " She smiled , I have something in mind but it's a little embarrassing to say it out.

" What is it ? " She asked again.

" Can you give me a makeover ? "

She was shocked at the start but it eventually became a smile. She nods her head vigorously as she pulled me up the bus that head to the mall.

As we reached the mall , She bought me clothes and then shoes and make up , finally she brought me to the hair salon.

In dramas , Hair salon is usually where all the transformation officially begins.

Tomorrow is coincidentally our ' no-uniform day ' which means we are allowed to wear anything but it have to be allowed by the school.

She said something to the hair stylist before leaving the store. I sat at the same seat for hours and hours that I actually fell asleep.

" Jihyun-ah , " I opened my eyes gradually to see the hairstylist smiling down at me.

She made me look into the mirror and that's when my heart started racing.

Is that me ?

Is that really me ?

My eyes widened as I see the most beautiful lady in the mirror. I might be complimenting myself but I can't believe it's me.

Apparently they made me have extensions and they dyed my hair to a Ash brown colour and then they curl a little at the ends.

They have this package where you applied and then the stylist would help you style your hair and then apply make up on for you. That's the package that Sangna chose for me.

The bell sound rang which signifies that someone just entered the store.

Before I could even react , I heard a scream and I realised it's Sangna. She ran to me and run her hand through my hair.

" You made me jealous ! " She screamed as she kept admiring my hair.

I smiled and thanked her , since she's the one that transformed me into this.

After that , She asked her chauffeur to fetch me home which he did. I thanked both her chauffeur and her before exiting the car.

I walked into my house and went straight to the bathroom , I looked into the mirror and smiled.

" I can finally say that i'm beautiful. "

15th July 2017

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