
I wake up in the morning to feel an empty space beside me. I open my eyes and look around in confusion only to see a note on Barry's pillow. I pick it up and start to read over it, 'Babe, I went to my dad's to talk to him. I'll see you later.' the note says and I sigh. It's probably best if he talked to Henry about all this. He could use some fatherly advice from his dad after all. I get out of bed, take a quick shower, then I get dressed in an off-the-shoulder white long-sleeved shirt with black jeans that were ripped at the knees and a pair of black heeled short boots. I put my makeup on. I then head over to S.T.A.R. Labs to see Cisco and Jesse look at something on the monitor near the medbay. "Looks like The Vaccum." Cisco says and I look at it in confusion as I stared at the screen. "What's The Vaccum?" Jesse asks him in confusion. "No Fringe in Earth-2, noted." he says and I turn to look at Harry. "What is this thing?" I ask and he looks up to see me. "Glad you could join us, Gomez. That is how Barry's gonna get his speed back." Harry says.

"This is what you've been working on in the workshop?" Cisco asks him.

"Someone has to worry about Zoom." Harry says.

"Ok, Barry cannot do this." Cisco says.

"He has to, Ramon."

"You keep calling me that. But that's--" Cisco suddenly cuts off.

He seemed to be vibing something and we all look at him in concern. "What'd you see? Zoom? Did you see Zoom?" Harry asks him. "No. I saw my brother." Cisco says and I raise my brows. "You saw Dante?" I ask him and he nods. "I gotta go." Cisco says and he walks out of the room as I just looked at him in concern. I then hear muttering in the halls and turn to look into the Cortex to see Barry and Henry. "Hey." Barry says as they both walk in and I smile as I look at them. "Henry?" I say in surprise as I walk over to them. "Tori. Hi." he says and I smile widely as I walk up to him. "It's so good to see you." I say as I hug him and he hugs me back. "Oh, you, too." he says and I pull away as I look at him. "I guess Barry dragged you back for a bit, huh?" I ask him and I look over to Barry. "Looks like maybe for good." Barry says and I look back at Henry with wide eyes. "Wait, what? Seriously?" I ask as I look back at Henry and he smiles at me. "Yeah, yeah. I figured I've spent enough time away from my son." he says and I smile as Henry pats Barry's shoulder. "Have you told Dad? Joe? Iris?" I ask Barry. "Nah. I wanted to tell them in person." he says and I nod. Ok, well, I think Iris told me she'd be at C.C.P.D. with Joe and Wally. I'll give her a call. And I'll call my dad, too." I say and Barry nods. "Yeah." he says as he pats Henry's shoulder. "Let's get settled." Barry tells his dad and he nods. As Henry was walking away, Barry grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss.

"That's to makeup for not being there in the morning." he says.

"I'm not mad. I know how much your dad means to you. I'd be selfish if I would be mad over a small thing like that." I say.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." he kisses me one last time, then walks over to his dad and I walk out to call everyone.


When Joe, Iris, and my dad come here, Joe tells us that Zoom came to C.C.P.D. with Caitlin. "Why would he bring her here?" Iris asks and I wondered the same thing. "To show power. It's exactly what he did on my Earth." Harry says and I look at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Joe asks him. "First thing he did was murder people. Slaughtered a bunch of poliecemen, then recruited every meta-human he could find. And those that disobeyed, he killed, too." Harry says to us. "Where are the police now?" Barry asks Joe. "Outside the precinct." Joe responds to him. "He'll kill them, Joe. He'll kill them all." Harry tells him. "Not with Caitlin with him. She talked him out of killing everyone when he took over to C.C.P.D." Joe says. "That's what we're gonna rely on. Snow talking him out of it? Joe, you need to get those guys out of there." Harry tells him.

"What if they set up at Jitters?" Barry asks as he looks at Joe.

"It's a good idea. It's just a block away from the precinct." Joe says.

"And then what? What happens next? You saw what Zoom did on my Earth. He will do the same exact thing here, Barry. We need to get your powers back." Harry says.

"There must be another way." Henry says.

"There's not. There's not." Harry says, and he walks out.

"I'm gonna get word to Singh. Get him to set up a task force at Jitters." Joe says.

"And then what?" Iris asks him.

"I don't know yet. But I'm gonna make sure Wally and Jesse are safe."

I look at Barry and then look over to my dad who just stood there. "This isn't what I was expecting." he says and I nod. "Trust me, Dad. We weren't expecting this either." I say and he looks at me. "Well, I think I'm just gonna head home. Nothing here for me to do. Besides, I have a lot of paperwork to handle still." Dad says and I smile at him and nod. "Bye, mija." he says as he kisses my temple and I wave goodbye. "Bye, Barry. It was nice seeing you again, Henry." he says and he walks out. Henry then walks out, leaving Barry and I alone. "You sure you wanna go through with that plan of his to get your speed back?" I ask him and he just shrugs. "I'm not sure, Tori." he says as he leans on the rail and I walk up to him. "I loved having my speed. I love helping people." he says and I nod. "I know you do. That's why, when you got your speed, you used that to help the people here." I say to him and he nods. "But is recreating the particle accelerator a good way to get my powers back and help the city again?" he asks and I wrap my arms around him as he stands up straight. "I don't know, Barry. But this is your choice to make. If you wanna go through with Harry's plan, then do it. I'm not gonna tell you what you should do." I say and he gives me a small smile.

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