30. "We'll figure this out together"

Start from the beginning

"You were right", you chuckled.
"It's great to have friends who help you out."

Jimin sadly nodded, being reminded of Bangtan.
"It is..."

You didn't want to start on the topic of Bangtan again, so you squeezed his healthy hand reassuringly. That was when your eyes fell on his bandaged hand.

"How's your injury?", you asked, seeing that he didn't use the hand much.

Jimin froze a bit when he rose up his injured hand. That was the price he had payed for trying to kill Taehyung in front of Jungkook.

"It's good", he lied.
You of course, immediately noticed the false tone.

Taking his bandaged hand into your lap, you recognized a few blood stains on the lower layers of the bandaging.

"Did you ever get this checked out?", you questioned.

He stayed still, indicating that he didn't. You felt the annoyance caused by his ignorance again.

"Jimin, this is serious. It's your right hand, how are you supposed to-"

"Shoot? Yeah I can't do that anymore", he painfully laughed.

You pulled away from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. He smiled weakly and then held his right hand in the air. After only a few moments, it started to tremble a little. Those were the consequences of getting shot through your hand.

"This is why I couldn't shoot that guy at the restaurant today", he confessed, feeling a little disappointed in himself.
"I can't aim properly, neither can I shoot for too long without feeling pain."

You saw him gulp as he said that out loud. He was scared and you could see it with your eyes. This was the worst possible injury for someone who needed to have a steady hand for shooting.

"Shit", you muttered, realizing that he had given you the gun for this reason.

"Ever since Jungkook shot me in the hand, I kept messing up while practicing. I knew that if Hongbin noticed I was useless, he'd kill me. Another reason we had to leave."

"Can I see?", you asked him.

He hesitantly let you take his hand into yours again and start unwrapping the bandages.

"Tony bandaged it for me this morning when I met him", he explained while you examined the cleaned remains of the wound.

"At least it's not infected", you sighed.
"Please take care of yourself Jimin. Let's go to a hospital when we get to America."

He shook his head.
"I'm afraid that's impossible."


"What would you explain to the doctors as to why I was shot in the first place? What if the police got involved?", Jimin questioned.

You saw that he was right.
It would have been suspicious as to why a foreign man suddenly appeared in America with an older shotwound which hadn't been tended to.
They only needed to call the police to put the puzzle pieces together.

"Then let me help you with it", you insisted.
"Jin taught me a lot, so I can tend to the wound every day."

Jimin's face softened for a moment before he looked away from you, his thoughts following every word you had just said.
"Thank you."

You wrapped his bandages back on and put an extra layer over the wounded area. The problem was, that he probably never rested his hand.
He always kept practicing and causing it to hurt even more and constantly open up again.

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