"It is a good thing that you reminded me of such privileges and please do enjoy your life because I am not going to stop doing it myself." I said with a smile and rolled up the glass before driving off towards my parents house but didn't reach there.

I called Mom and asked her to send the things to the respective rooms like was written on the boxes and assured her to explain everything in the evening.

Turning around I drove to a café and walked into it before sitting at a corner of it. Having a strong coffee, I left the place and reached my work place even though I took a leave.

I thought, I will just follow Maha's idea of having a few days of spending with oneself, but now I know that would be a disaster in my case for sure.

I will either kill him by running my car over him or will make myself mad with these thoughts. Work is always a best medicine for all these things and how many times this worked for it not to work now.

At what time will she come? I thought, glancing at my watch, but stayed put in the car preparing myself for his arrival which can be at any moment.

Why is he still driving them around? Didn't he say that his job is over? I thought, frowning and stiffened when his car reached the parking space.

He got down with a frown and stared at my car before glancing to my side. However, I just looked straight, even though I can see his moments, turning my eyes a little.

To my horror he started coming near to my car and I wish he will not because I don't have any energy to give back any retorts for his words but thanks to Nakul he saved me by reaching the cars.

He too glanced at my car, but didn't give any reaction and after a few minutes, Maha walked towards us with a tight grip on her handbag.

I opened the passenger door from inside, but she walked near to Nakul making me sigh in relief. Maybe she decided to stay with him and now I need to send her things back.

However, before I can close the door, I heard her saying, "If possible, check your office room today before leaving."

And then she turned around to reach my car and got inside still holding the bag in a tight grip. I drove off when she nodded, but kept on glancing at her.

"I thought you changed your mind." I mumbled and she didn't make a sound for a few minutes.

"I am just trying for the last time with the only words I have to prove to him that I didn't had any revenge plan. If he accepts that, he will come to me and I will go without a second thought. But if he doesn't, I don't have any right to go back." She explained and I moved my hand to hold hers before reaching our parent's house.

"What is all this?" Mom asked with worried tone the moment we reached the house, but we both walked into the house and sat in the living room while she went to call Dad.

"As we both are going to be single again, we decided to come and live with our parents." I said when Dad asked the same question.

"What? But you both..." he trailed off when I shook my head, gesturing Maha to which he nodded.

"I will not be going to the court and our lawyer can deal with the things." I said in a hard tone, but then took a deep breath feeling everything closed up like it is kind of an end.

"Do you want to go, Maha?" he asked her and she shook her head.

"No! Tell the lawyer, whatever is Nakul's wish is mine." Maha replied and I want to hug her seeing the raw pain in her voice.

We retired to our own rooms and I paced in mine thinking maybe I don't have a heart. Why am I not crying? Why am I not showing any pain?

Why did I never let myself go for a person like Maha is doing? If I did that, would I have stayed back with James? Yes! I would have accepted just the thought of us being together but I was always been greedy.

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