16: Not So Normal Wednesday 2

Start from the beginning

"Joo Ri-sshi, I understand you were not exposed to monsters until just recently?" Your teacher asked you.

"Ne, sonsaengnim," you affirmed.

"In this class, you will learn what you need to know about being a monster in order for you to live an easier life both in the monster and human society. I would have wanted for you to enroll in a catch-up class but Doctor Jung told me about your financial background," she said.

You nodded but wondered why Doctor Jung would share such stuff with other people.

"We're actually a little close," she winked when she saw your confused look.

You didn't get right away what she meant until your eyes landed on her chest.

"Oh," was all you could answer.

"I would have given you free catch-up lessons, however I don't have the time since I have a separate job aside from being a teacher here. So, I have decided that Kris-sshi here would tutor you instead of me. Of course, that's if it's okay with you, Kris-sshi," she said turning to Kris. "In exchange, I will exempt you from all exams, activities, and projects in my class. You always get a perfect score anyway, and that's also the reason why you are my best choice. So is that fine with you?"

"Ne, sonsaengnim," Kris answered.

"Great!" She said. "So I'll leave the two of you to work out on your tutorial schedules. Kris-sshi, I'd also like a weekly report on what lesson you will be currently on. It doesn't have to be formal. Just update me on what you've covered so far. Joo Ri-sshi, I'll be preparing exams and activities for you every once in a while to check how much you've learned."

"Ne. Thank you," you bowed.

"Alright then, go and plan on your tutorial arrangements," she said.

Ice king as my tutor. I don't think I'm prepared for that, you thought as you slouched on your seat. You jolted when you saw Kris' tall form in front of you. He placed a chair in front of your desk and sat down.

"What day of the week are you free?" He asked in his usual cold tone.

"Uh, well. I'm always free after class and during weekends," you answered.

"What time?" He asked.

"I –," you didn't get to finish what you were saying. You got distracted when one of your classmates suddenly grew large, eagle-like wings. His skin also grew feathers and his hands grew razor-sharp eagle claws. You stared in shock with your mouth hanging open. You would have screamed if only your voice had not been caught in your throat. Kris saw your face and followed your line of vision.

"Five...four...three...," his partner counted. His body twitched unexplainably as his wings started to shrink while his skin started to return to normal human skin. He was crouching on the floor and looked like he was in so much difficulty, almost in pain.

"...one...times up," his partner counted. He shook his head. He was not able to completely transform back to human form. Though his skin was back to normal human skin, his wings were still protruding and his hands were still claws.

"What time?" Kris asked again.

"Uh, s-sorry what?" You asked as you turned your attention back to him. He looked bored as though what happened was just something one would see every day.

"What time are you free? Make sure it doesn't conflict with your cleaning duties and club activities."

"I-I don't have a club and cleaning duty schedule yet," you answered, distracted, as another one of your classmates transformed. His body bulked and looked like rocks. You looked around the room and saw more of your classmates transform into a couple of other things you're sure the dictionary or the encyclopedia won't be able to define. Your head spun as you saw them grew wings, tails, claws, horns, scales and a jumble of other things.

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