"So, if we can get him to exert too much energy, then--"

"Then he'll become old and weak." I say as I finish what Barry was about to say.

"And how do you think we're gonna do that? I can't watch you be a human punching bag until he turns into Grampa Simpson." Joe says.

"He doesn't have to. I'll be out there." I say.

"Besides, I think I can fix that. Jesse, I'm gonna need some of that quick thinking of yours." Cisco says and they walk away.

"Tori." Iris calls me and points over to Barry who was staring at his suit.

Joe and Iris then walk out and I walk up to Barry, "You ok?" I ask him as I place my hands on his shoulders and stand on my tip toes as I rest my chin on him. "Not really." he tells me and I look back at his suit. "You and Iris were the first ones I saved with my powers." Barry says and I look at him with a smile. "Yeah. I remember." I say to him and he looks at me with his brilliant smile, but then it fades away as he looks back at his suit. "I just don't even know who I am anymore, or who I'm supposed to be." Barry says and I lower to my normal height as I look at him. He scoffs as he looks down at the ground and I grab his hand. "Barry, you're supposed to be the same guy that you've always been." I say and he nods as he looks back at his suit. "Suit or no suit, that guy is a hero." I say as I wrap my arms around his waist and he does the same. He then leans down and kisses me gently, as if I were something fragile.


I sat with Barry as we ran facial recognition on Grey again, seeing if we could find him heading somewhere else, but nothing popped up. "I'm not picking up anything from facial recognition." Barry says as we walk back over to Cisco and Jesse. "The only cellular dead zone I can find is the one in here. No offense." Cisco says to Jesse. "No, wait a second. Was he wearing his watch when he left to get me?" Jesse asks as she turns to Cisco. "I already tried that. GPS isn't working." Cisco says to her. "Ok, no, but the meta-human activity would be. I mean, the watch is designed to track metas, right?" she says as she pushes Cisco away from the computer. "And since Griffin Grey is one, it'll keep sending a message to a server until it goes through." she says. "But since we're on a different Earth, it'll never go through." Cisco says and she nods. "So it just keeps sending the same signal." I say and soon, Jesse pin points where the signal is coming from. "There he is, Central City Amusement Park." Cisco says and I smirk as I look at Jesse. "Yeah, and I'm coming with, this time." Jesse says and I nod in agreement. "Yeah, same here." I say as I look at Barry and he sighs. "One more thing, we found Harry, great, but how are we gonna stop Grey?" I ask.

"I'm so glad you asked." Cisco says as he stands up with a laugh and looks at me. "Jesse and I upgraded the internal lining of the suit. Felicity hooked us up with some dwarf star alloy."

I widen my eyes as I watch him walk up to the suit room. "Um, awesome!" I say as I walk over to him and Jesse and Barry follows. "Yeah. Super strong, super light-weight. Only thing is, we couldn't get much of it." Cisco says and Barry looks at him confusingly. "Alright, what does that mean?" Barry asks him. "We could only cover the chest portion of your suit. There wasn't enough for Tori's suit either." Cisco says. "Yeah, sorry." Jesse says and I shrug. "No problem. I have my force field ability." I say. "Uh, here's the other thing, probably not a big deal. Um, I'm guessing the suit will only absorb one of Grey's punches. Anything more than that, you'll be like a piñata, only it won't be candy coming out. It'll be... " Cisco says and I shake my head. "Yeah, you just added pressure by, like, a ton." I say with a raised brow. "But Tori's right. I'm sure her force field will be able to hold off his punches." he says and I shake my head at him. "Ok, let's just get ready." I say and Barry nods as I text Joe and Iris to come over to help.


When we were in the amusement park, we look around for any sign of Grey. "Why is it that bad guys always insist on having the creepiest hideouts?" Cisco asks. "Because they're crazy." Joe says as we look around. "Hey, guys, Grey's headed your way." Iris says to us and I look at Barry. "Alright, come on." Barry says and we all jog. We hide behind crates as Grey makes his way over to us, "Ok, Iris. On my mark." Cisco tells her. "Three... Two, one. Now!" Cisco says and the lights of the amusement park turn on, blinding Grey. Barry then dashes over to him and punches him repeatedly, but it didn't seem to phase him. "Is that all you got, Flash?" Grey asks him as he stares at Barry. "We just want Dr. Wells." Barry tells him. "And I wanted him to fix me, but he can't. So once I finish you, I'm gonna finish him." he tells Barry. "Freeze." Joe says as he and Cisco point their guns at him and I stand in between both men as I also stare at him. Grey picks up a car, that was going to be used for the bumper cars, and Joe shoots, but the bullet ricochets off the car. Grey throws the car and I use my telekinesis to hover the car over us and place it on the ground. "Come on!" Barry yells and I stare at Grey, seeing him age in front of me. The lights then turn off and Barry disappears and I do the same.

 "Ok, I say one more punch and we get this guy a walker." Cisco says.

"Hey, guys, we got him. He's over by the Ferris Wheel." Iris says.

I dash over to the Ferris Wheel to see Barry swing at Grey, but he dodges. "Look, we can help you." Barry tells him. "Not everyone got the powers you did and Hummingbird did, Flash. Some of us weren't so lucky." he says and I dash over. I see Grey punch Barry in the chest, and he flies back into a ticket booth. I then stand in front of him and he looks at me. "Griffin, please, stop." I say to him as he walks forward and I take careful steps back. "I might be getting older, but I'm stronger than ever." he says. He throws a punch, but I block it with my force field, then see him age again. He throws another punch at my force field again, and he ages again. He then throws another punch, knocking me back and I hit the ticket booth and groan in pain. Grey exhales deeply, then falls to the ground, seeming to be dead. "You ok?" Barry asks as he looks at me and I nod. "I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting that hard of a punch." I say and he sighs in relief. We stand up and walk over to Griffin, checking to see if he was alright. Barry knelt down to look at him, and when he turned him over, we saw an 18-year-old boy, and he seemed to be breathing. "Thank, God." I say with a sigh of relief. We then head into the building where Griffin had kept Harry and we dash in to see me tied up. Jesse runs up to her dad, unties him, and hugs him tightly making me smile at the sweet moment. "I'm so sorry." Jesse tells Harry. "I'm sorry, too." Harry tells her and I look over to Barry with a smile as he nods.


After everything that went down tonight, I went home since Joe had told Barry that Wally wanted to thank The Flash for saving his life. I suddenly hear my phone ring and I look to see that it was Felicity. "Hey, Felicity." I say as I answer the phone as I change into Barry's S.T.A.R. Labs sweat shirt and a pair of sweats. "Hey." I hear her answer sounding like she had been crying for hours and hearing a sniffle. "What's wrong? The last time I heard you this sad, you and Ollie broke up. What happened?" I ask in concern as I felt my heartbeat speed up. "Laurel... Laurel died." she said and I gasp in shock as I covered my mouth from letting out a scream. I had barely known Laurel. All the times I was an intern for Ollie, I'd talk to her so little times, but I knew she was a special person, and she was especially special to Ollie. "How?" I ask as I start to choke on my tears. "Darhk killed her. He stabbed her with one of Oliver's arrows that he was holding." she replies and I feel a single tear roll down my cheek. I turn to see Barry walk into the room to see me looking sad. "When's the funeral?" I ask her as I wipe the tear off my cheek only for more tears to fall. "I don't know. I'll tell you when it's all set up." she says to me. "Alright. Thanks for letting me know, Felicity. I'll tell the others." I say and she says her goodbye to me, then hangs up. "What's the matter? Why did Felicity call?" Barry asks as he walks over to me and places his hands on either side of me. "Laurel was killed. Darhk killed Laurel." I say as I start to sob and Barry pulls me into him as I sobbed into his chest. Though I wasn't close to Laurel as the others in Star City, she was a nice and loving person who could be a badass at times. I'm glad to say that I once knew her and she was an amazing woman in my life.

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