I shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't seen it.", I answered.

Then, someone scoffed. "Are you still feigning ignorance?", Yerim said. "Come here and I'll show you."

"No, you come here.", I told her. "I don't feel like walking to the other side of this room right now."

She scoffed again. "Tch, whatever."

She stood up from her seat. When she sat on my desk, she shoved her phone to my face. Rude. I took her phone to my hands and seriously was about to just give it back to her, but I watched the whole 30 seconds of it. I felt so disgusted at myself, how embarrassing that I made those sounds.

"So, it's you, right?", she asked, right after.

I cleared my throat. "Eo, that's me." Then, everyone went into a whisper craze.

She fake gasped. "I knew it! I seriously can't believe you would do that."

"Well, I did."

"Are you proud of it?"

"No, why would I,  after being exposed like that?"

She sighed. "I guess you're right." To my right, I could see Seung-ah ready to pounce on Yerim. "Well, what can you do? Someone posted that video already." She pouted at me, faking pity.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, you posted it. I have no control over you."

She widened her eyes a bit, then stifled a laugh. "Mwo? Ha, you think I took this video? Are you accusing me now?"

I nodded. "I think it's you."

"You don't even have proof."

"I have the right to solve my problems, you're one of them."

"Yah, why do you even think it's me, huh? What did I even do to you?"

I looked elsewhere. "You kissed Mingyu when he was still my boyfriend." Then, everyone went making those gasping/dramatic sounds.

I glanced a peek at her. She turned red. "That... that's not true."

"That was just soooo wrong of you." She couldn't speak. "You even showed me the video coming from your phone's own memory. I thought it was on Kakao or something..." Then, everyone checked their phones. (Whisper Whisper)

She quickly hid her phone. "This-- It's not me."

"Why'd you even follow us to the classroom? Thanks to you, our secret's off the shelf."

"Yah, just shut up, you bitch."

"Bitch? I'm the bitch?"

"Eo. Why would you have a relationship with your own brother anyway? Isn't that the problem in the first place?"

"I--" I couldn't even start talking since she kept rambling on.

"That's the weird part. Of course, everyone else would find it weird. You guys probably did it , too. That's seriously just messed up."

"Yah, I--"

"You like sex and incest. You're just a slut like your friend!"

"You don't drag her into this!"

"Why not? She does those stuff with Wonwoo-sunbae, too."

"Okay, I do not do those things with that guy!", Seung-ah spoke up. "It was all a lie."

"A lie? Then, you're all liars!", Yerim said.

"How are we all liars?"

"You guys--"

"Ah, when will the teacher arrive?", someone shouted. Mingyu was scratching the back of his head. "You guys are so noisy. I'm trying to sleep here.", he said. That shut us up. 

Yerim stomped back to her seat and Seung-ah slumped on her own. I rested my chin on my hand and waited for the teacher to come. He really is taking his time. When he finally did arrive, it was to call me out of the classroom.

"Kwon Miyoung, come with me." I stood up and exited the room without bothering anyone else's reaction anymore.

By the time I arrived at the principal's office, Soonyoung was seated in front of the principal. There were other teachers in the room.

"Miyoung-ssi, please take a seat.", the principal said. I bowed.

I took a glance at Soonyoung. "What's happening?", I asked. He shook his head.

The principal sighed and looked at the two of us. "We need to talk about that video.", he said.

A/N: Updateuuuuu 

Kamsahabnida~! for the 2.5K Votes and the 40K+ viewssssssss like REALLY REALLY THANK YOUUUUU 

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