"Barbie Klaus to what do i own the pleasure"Damon asked her

"I'm here for Avery since i heard we are coming over for dinner and to have a family chat me and Avery need a dress for this dinner so i am here to collect her"Rebekah replied 

I smiled and got up and when i did Stefan grabbed my purse and gave me it which i thanked him and in return i gave him a kiss on the cheek then i walked over to the front door where Damon was

"Hey Barbie Klaus"I said to her smirking

"Don't call me that only Damon can"Rebekah replied back 

"I know but it's a nice nickname"I said

"Go before i drag Rebekah up those stairs and well that's for me to know and for you guys to dot dot dot"Damon said as he turned and walked away 

I saw that Rebekah was starring at his ass i scoffed and walked pasted her shutting the door behind me we both got into her car as she drove off to the nearest dress shop in town.

At the Dress shop

We got out of Rebekah car and walked into the dress shop to find Elena, Caroline and Bonnie standing there trying on dresses they turned and looked at us with smiled on their faces 

"Hey you guys"Caroline said with a smile on her face

"Hey Caroline, Elena and Bonnie"I replied to them all

"I see you guys are trying on dresses"Rebekah said 

"Yeah Elena has a date with Matt, I have a date with Tyler and Bonnie has a date with Jeremy"Caroline explained 

"Good for you guys Elena i think you should get the pink one, Caroline get the Yellow one and Bonnie get the cream one because i think you will all look hot in them"Rebekah said as she walked away 

I smiled to them as i followed Rebekah as we began looking at dresses and picking up ones that we like so we could try them on.

A couple of hours later

"Rebekah are you sure this dress is not too you know showy"I said 

"Avery you look gorgeous plus after it we are going to the grill for drinks and we are getting hammered and whoa i can't believe i just said that word so get out here and let me see you"Rebekah replied 

I pulled back the curtains and walked out Rebekah face dropped 

"Get that one it suits you perfectly plus i know my brother Elijah and he will not let you out of his sites unless you need the toilet then he will"Rebekah said 

I turned and checked myself out in the mirror i must admit i look perfect and gorgeous just then i saw Elena looking in the window smirking then she disappeared but before she did she told me to follow her i turned and began walking to the front door of the shop but i was stopped by the shop person 

"Sorry you haven't paid for that dress so i can't let you leave"The women said 

"Rebekah do your thing i have something i need to deal with"I shouted to Rebekah 

I walked out of the dress shop and to the alley way beside it and when i did i saw Elena standing there facing me with her leg on the wall 

"Elena what's wrong why were you smirking at me"I asked her 

"Oh Avery i am not Elena"Elena replied 

"Wait Katherine what are you doing here and what do you want"I asked her

"I want you to dump Elijah he will be so heartbroken and he will come running back to me you don't deserve him you are just a little human women who will die of old age Elijah deserves someone who is a vampire and can spend eternity with him not some human girl"Katherine replied 

"No i will not dump Elijah just so you can have him he is mine get that through your thick head Katherine he will never be yours you already ruined him and Klaus brother relationship then you moved onto Damon and Stefan and you did the same to them so i will not let that happen again"I shouted to her

"Oh but Avery you will since i have Damon and your dad in my care lucky i have a witch who made duplicates of them so no one will notice that they were gone so what is going to be Avery save the two people that you care about and break Elijah heart or have the two people you care about die and the blood will be on your hands"Katherine said 

I was about to speak but nothing was coming out she has Damon and my dad in her care and i didn't know what to do so i went with my heart and what my gut was telling me to do.

At the Salvatore Boarding house

Me and Rebekah walked into the house as her family were already here and inside when we walked in i saw Damon and my dad sitting on the couch laughing at what Klaus had said Rebekah closed the door behind us as they all turned and looked at us Damon and my dad were smirking at me so that Evil Vampire Slut was telling the truth she does have my dad and Damon in her care

"Good Evening my love"I heard someone say 

"Good Evening Elijah"I said as i walked pasted him and over to Stefan 

I pulled out my phone and began texting Stefan letting him know about what happened at the dress shop and that Katherine showed up and what she has planned 

"Okay so let's crack open the bourbon and wine for the ladies"Fake Damon said as he stood up and walked over to where the drinks are 

Stefan read the text as he looked at me then to Fake Damon and Fake Alaric then back at me with a shock face

"Stefan Avery will you help me with the food please"Alaric said 

I nodded as i made my way to the Kitchen with Stefan following behind me, as we entered the kitchen i picked up a tray of food as Stefan and Fake Alaric did the same then we made our way to the living room when we did i saw Elena had walked in she turned and looked at me then i knew it she was Katherine crap now what am i going to do.

I have made up my mind that Vampire Slut had my dad and Damon somewhere and if i want them back i have to break Elijah heart but if i don't do what she want me to do then i could be having to go to Damon and my dad funeral and both me and Stefan are losing two people that we both care about.

I just hope this decision is the right one.

Chapter 7 on way.

Avery Saltzman (Elijah Mikaelson love story)Where stories live. Discover now