- Chapter 31 -

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[an:/] So i'm posting the chapter even not reaching the goal on the previous one, but i needed to update, right? it's sad the votes reduced a bit but i still love writing this and reading the few comments of you. i love you guys and thank you. 

Oh and as you see the book has another cover, thank you to bessraquel on tumblr!

50 VOTES AND 20 COMMENTS (i still have a few hopes to reach it)

Things are going all right, I presume. I mean, it’s been only five days since we came back, but it was five good days. It’s the fifth day and I still have Louis next to me. Liam and Zayn still don’t know about anything, they think we’re acting the same way and nothing have changed, I suppose. If someone has to tell them something is Louis. I think that just the right thing. Besides he knows I love him, I fucking know he knows it so if he wants to call us boyfriends telling his friends about it, I’m beyond fine. That’s not the problem here for him. But I still don’t know what his problem is. I still don’t know anything, but it’s okay for now.

Niall and I still don’t talk with each other. Liam and Zayn have already noticed it because Niall just doesn’t stop hanging around with us out of sudden. I don’t just stop being around him, talking about him, going to his dorm to play games, hang out with him out of sudden and four days were enough for them to find out that something was wrong. But I think if Niall didn’t walk behind us without saying a word they would still take any excuse I was up to give.

It’s now 9pm and I’m taking the advantage that Louis is out for practise, to study. In this an hour and a half, probably only half of it was useful, the rest was useless. I’m so anxious about Louis being around Bryan. The last time they were alone Bryan was so all over him, I don’t even wanna know what would happen if I didn’t appear. I don’t know what he wanted to take from my Louis. I doubt that he loved him, Bryan only loves himself and he’s happy when hurts the others. He gives good impressions of himself to get laid and when people really start caring for him he runs away. I was so naïve when I was younger. I can’t believe I left Rachel because of him. I was lying to myself, to her and to my friends.

Anyway, it’s no good for me to think about the past, I promised myself I would never do that so I can be happy. I am happy now with Louis so I’ll only think about the present. Not this actual present, that is happening right now because I am only surrounded by books and worried about Louis. I just want to hear the sound of the door being opened. Maybe I’ll call Niall to come here so we–wait. Right. I can’t.

So maybe is better forget the books and lay down on my bed. It’s weird though because it’s Friday night, I’m tired and in the dorm waiting for Louis. Not only had he changed this couple of months so did me. I could be in a party, getting drunk, flirting with some chick but I’m not. So I think Louis helped me to change. I take off my clothes to be only in underwear, but still grab a pair of Louis’ sweatpants – even if they reach above my ankle I love wearing them just because they’re his – grab my earphones and my iPod and rest my head on the pillow listening to music, in a loud volume so I can’t hear my thoughts. I close my eyes and focus on the lyrics of the music and the only thing I allow myself to think about is some blue eyes.

I don’t know how much time I stay like this, how many songs I skipped and how many I've heard. I don’t know how much time it took for my eyes to feel so heavy, for the sheets being warmth by me and… for me feeling some lips being pressed on the bare skin of my neck.

I slowly open my eyes and take off the earphones to spot Louis’ pretty face and hear “Hi!” he grins and I give him lazy smile. He looks so happy that I’d be just fine to sit and watch him with this same grin on his face. If he’s like this for seeing me then I just want to hug him and cuddle under the sheets forever. “Tired?” He asks snuggling next to my body and I can’t believe I didn’t give for his presence before while I was listening to music, because he had time to change clothes. Fuck, he’s only wearing boxers and one of my oversized sweaters. He looks so fucking cute but sexy at the same time. So precious and adorable and, jeez I love him so much. I don’t even care that his hair is wet and his body is cold. He smells good and I want to warm him up.

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