- Chapter 7 -

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[an:/] I'm so grateful for all your comments and votes ily. For someone else would seem nothing but for me it's the world. Also my other fanfic reached over 12.000 reads , insane , hope this one gets as much as that. Hope you like this chapter and I'm posting the next one, that is already done, when this reaches 13 VOTES AND 3 COMMENTS , i know you can give me that :) 


"LOUIS!" I wake up startled with Harry screaming my name along with a loud noise as if something have hit the floor. Why can I be woken up gently once in a while?

I quickly sit up on bed - somehow on the opposite side that I remember falling asleep last night - and look at the side to see Harry on the floor with his eyes semi open and rubbing his head. I can't contain my laugh, watching him in that state and he can't hide his expression of pain mixed with annoyance.

I have to cover my mouth with my hand when I realise I can't stop my laugh and with that Harry follows me, forgetting his previous fall. His laugh is really contagious because even if I say it's annoyingly loud it ends up to cheer my day up, for much it costs me to admit.

"Did I sleep here last night?" he asks then, sitting next to me, groaning.

"It seems you did." I chuckle, still recovering from the previous incident and he looks at me with a grin on his face after continuing talking. "My head hurts so much! I must had been so drunk because I can't even remember coming back to the dorm" he admits and I think he just doesn't laugh due the headache.

"Well you were really out of this world since-" I stop myself from what I'm saying when I remember what actually happened last night. Sure he doesn't remember what he did-he doesn't remember, does he?

"Since what Louis?" He asks, raising his eyebrow noticing that I stopped in a middle of a sentence. "You don't remember anything that happened last night, do you?" I ask, trying to avoid anything that makes me keeping that previous sentence.

"Hum, no. What happened?" He scratches the back of his head and looks at me confused.

"Oh good," I'm probably not being subtle, but it's a relief. Although the problem here now is: I remember. I remember everything and now I can't stop playing that night on my mind. "Hum, you just woke me up and then it was the usual..."

"You shouted at me and I ignored you!" He laughs and I nod and laugh nervously.

"Yeah exactly, then you just passed out here. You're too heavy for me to, erm, carry you to your bed." This doesn't sound credible

"Well I'm surprised you didn't push me out sooner so I would sleep on the floor." Good point. "But I'm glad you didn't." he smiles and this time I don't laugh nor smile back "I can't believe I managed to take off my clothes" He says and shit he had to remind me? What annoys me the most is that he can be with a hangover but probably looks better than me that just woke up. "Or was it you?" He smirks and leans over, being closer to my face.

"Of course it wasn't me you brat" I shout, rolling my eyes and trying my best not to look at him. When I feel his hand, resting on my chin and forcing me to turn back at him, I open my eyes widely and then there is it again. My heart is pouting on my chest by how close we are. He cannot remember what happened last night, but he's sure having the same behaviour.

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