- Chapter 29 -

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[an:/] Hey guys! I'm kinda sad that the previous chapter didn't reach my goal, i know the chapter wasn't the best but still. Although i want to apologize for taking this time to update, but i was hoping to  have more votes on the other one and i had to write this for the second time because of a problem i had. 

Sorry if this is short and kinda rushed and shitty but i hope to reach 50 VOTES AND 20 COMMENTS , i'd be really sad if i didn't reach it once again :( 


Harry's POV [by the way, from now on it'll only be Harry's POV. you might understand why in later chapters.]

Yesterday and this morning passed too quickly, in a blink of an eye Louis and I were already on the train, heading back to London. It sure cost me like hell to face reality and that today we have to come back, to say goodbye to my mom, my sister and even to Robin, to say goodbye to my hometown, to know that I’ll only see my friends again on summer and it cost me to say goodbye to the time I spent with Louis these last two weeks. Because we were kind of on our little world and now we’re going back to the real one. If I see better, not only yesterday and this morning went too quickly, it was this holidays and I think it was because I didn’t want it to end.

We’re half way now and I’m still thinking how things are going to be when we get back to campus. Are we going to tell our friends? Well Niall knows, by now, half of this but what about Liam and Zayn? Yes because they’re the only people that matter here and I really wanted them to know that Louis and I are… are what? What are we? I don’t know, but to be honest, for now, I’m fine with what we are. I mean I’m able to be with Louis like I always wanted to so why complaining?

He’s now sleeping with his head upon my shoulder since we didn’t get much sleep last night. We watched half a movie, we went to my balcony to properly see the stars, we talked about shit – not literally – we had time to snog and we even went to the convenience store to see if they had ice cream because Louis had that sudden strange desire for it. So why not running through my neighbourhood, in pyjama, in a cold night to buy ice cream?

Also my mom didn’t comment when we got back from Rachel’s house just by noon, my sister gave us some glares but they said nothing about me and Louis. Yet they think we’re dating but I did nothing to clean the misunderstanding.

I thought about a lot of things that I don’t even realise to fall asleep with my head rested upon Louis’, until I wake up and the train has stopped because we reached the station. “Lou…” I shake his shoulder and whisper to wake him up. My neck hurts by the position I stayed for almost an hour and by the way Louis groans in pain and takes his hand to his neck too, shows me that his, aches more than mine.

I laugh by how lazy and sleepy he seems to be by the way he takes his bag and walks out the train. He doesn’t talk either but I don’t interpret it as a bad thing even if I want him to talk with me all the way so I can know what he’s feeling, so it can be easier for me to know what he’s thinking about.

But I need his touch – and he knows, since forever, I need to feel his presence around me – so I don’t hesitate to take his hand to mine, tangling our fingers together. He looks carefully at the gesture, almost examining that so he can ask himself if that’s right or not, and when looks at me I smile, assuring him that yes that’s completely okay and he nods. He nods and I deduce that he told himself that holding hands with me is fine. And he has that idea all the way till we walk to the bus stop, he still has it when we’re sat on the seats from the bus and he keeps it when we walk to the campus and finally spot the big gate from it.

The moment we’re walking to the inside, is the moment my phone buzzes on my pocket, so I drop Louis’ hand to get it. “It’s Niall” I tell him and he nods as if was telling me to go on and answer it

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