- Chapter 11 -

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[an:/] I loved writing this chapter so hope you love to read it :) Thank you for your comments and votes and of course for reading ily all. 


I’m tired.

I know I’ve been saying this over the past weeks, but now I’m seriously on my limit.

It’s Thursday and I can’t believe I could manage to handle the previous three days. Classes take half of my energy and then I have to study, running along the campus to get in time to everything… And now with the rain is worst. I reach my dorm soaked. There is so much to do, so many works to deliver since the past week. Thankfully I had my last test today. I can’t even remember what a good night of sleep is. However this headache is killing me and I can’t focus on the books. I chose to study on the dorm this time, instead of walking to the library. Yesterday I felt so weak that it was almost impossible to walk back here. If Harry wasn’t with me I don’t really know…  He seems to be pretty busy too but wants to be always on track with me.

I sigh, I can’t concentrate in my studies. I feel sick, literally. But I can’t be sick now. It’s not a good time. Next Friday is already the 31st of October and the exams will be right there and November is my last chance to get all the material and study hard so then I can relax on Christmas’ break, with no worries.

Maybe I care too much about my grades. I mean I need to care, but I break the record. Look at Harry. He’s not like me in that subject but then he’s a good student. He still has time to have fun and he doesn’t look as bad as me.

I’m so busy shoving my head on the books, crying about my life that I don’t even hear the door “Are you dying?” Harry jokes. I don’t feel like it Harry. So I hum in response, straightening myself and trying to act like I was just studying. “Are you okay Louis?” He asks then and I feel like he’s walking in my direction.

“Yeah… Just studying.” I say. Even my voice sounds weak.


“Not still…” I groan. I just started half an hour ago and it’s the first time I touch my books today, apart from the classes “I started…now.”

“You study too much.” He says and I sure felt like he was walking towards me, previously, but he just walked closer to the desk to put his jacket on the hanger

“The necessary.”

“I don’t think so. You expect too much from yourself.” He says sitting on his bed and I feel him looking at me. “Are you feeling all right?” He asks, and his tone sounds… concerned.

“Yes, god dammit!” I don’t know why I raise my voice and seem so bothered. I look down and start to read the text I have in front of me. Useless. “Sorry” I whisper, hoping he can hear me.

He stands up from the bed and this time he really walks towards me. “You need to rest.” He says and then I feel his hands on my shoulders. He starts to massage them and I groan. It feels good and it actually relaxes me. “You’re so tense.”

“I’m fine…” I say but it’s almost as I’m sighing. I feel his hands running up and down on my spine and back to my shoulders. He passes his hands on the bare skin from my neck, and it’s when I notice how soft they are, even if they are a little bit cold.

“You’re not fine.” You’re right, I’m not. But it’s just one more month and a half till the break. I can handle it.

When he starts to run his fingers through my hair it just feels… so good. Like not only on a relaxed way, in many others. I close my eyes enjoying his touch. I sure should pull it away but I don’t have the strength to. “You like it.” I feel like he’s smirking because he’s making me feel the way he wanted to when I moan. I can’t control it.

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