- Chapter 21 -

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[an:/] bigger AN at the end, i appreciate if you read it!

Song from te chapter is Somewhere Only We Know by Keane. And Thank you all for the votes and support you're giving me I love you all. so for this one 35 VOTES and 14 COMMENTS ! I wanna see if you give me this till sunday so i can update again


The drive lasts 5/10 minutes, there is just the sound of the radio and I only pay attention to the village outside the window. It’s quite pretty and there’s not many people outside due the snow, they don’t know what they’re losing in my opinion.

Harry parks on the driveway and when opens the door makes me follow his steps. We’re in a park. It seems to be a normal one; it’s rather big, there’s tons of naked trees along it and the green grass is replaced by the white blanket of snow. It’s not really crowed but there is some groups of people around it, enjoying the weather.

I didn’t even notice Harry opening the back door from the car and returning to me while I appreciated the place “Let’s go?” He asks with a grin and holding his camera now. I ask myself how many cameras he has, and if they are in random places so when he needs them, they’re available.

I nod and follow him, walking right behind him and looking around. This is probably the centre of the village, around the park there are small stores, but this is not like London that it’s all big, crowed and noisy. This is calm, comfy and something that deserves to be admired in silence. The more we walk the more I find myself in love with this place and the more I find it more special and beautiful.

The snow is now falling slowly but the air is still chilly and I regret not bringing a scarf like Harry did. I really need to listen him more often. You’re stubborn, don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you. He said, but I always find myself scratching my neck because of those things.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” He says out of sudden, and somehow I think the only thing it was missing here was hearing his voice

“Yes, yes it is.” I look back at him, offering a small smile

He sits on the bench that is bellow a tree, which is probably one of the few that aren’t naked and the leaves are green with small pieces of white from the snow. I sit next to him, feeling the cold on my skin already, I don’t wanna imagine if the bench was full of snow… “I used to come here when I wanted to be alone and hear my own thoughts…”

“You sure weren’t alone!” this place is probably always with people, and I imagine that in the summer is even more crowed.

“I know, but that was the point. I wanted to feel alone but with people around me, you see?” I raise my eyebrow looking at him and he chuckles due my face. But maybe I’m getting his point, sometimes I wanted to feel the same, I still do. “I’d come here to study or just listen to music after a long day and I didn’t want to go home.”

“I see…” I whisper, imagining thirteen years old Harry coming here to run away from his problems at home after the divorce of his parents

“And I think it was in this place where I found my love from photography” he says looking at the sky “It’s so beautiful. I have a lot of pictures from this place in every season and every time of the day.” He laughs a little

“You’ve to show me them one day.” I say without thinking.

“Sure!” He gives me another smile. He’s happy and I love seeing him like this “Never imagined that I would ever bring someone here.”


“Because I see this like my place, I like to come here alone every time I visit my family… Just to find myself thinking about the past.”

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