I didn't hear a sound

14 1 0

I force my eyes shut and hope it's just a dream.

I'm crying so much because I can here mom's screams.

Why is daddy trying to take moms life.??

He was pulling mom by her hair while carrying a knife.

I don't know what's wrong but he's done this before.

Mom just grabs the foundation hidden in the top drawer.

She says it's okay because he apologized

But she needs to get up and say her goodbyes.

She lets him beat her and and call her a dirty whore.

She had a call from her brother so she spread her legs for sure.

When people ask she just puts on the same fake smile.

"It's silly, I was running and I fell on the tile."

You're so beautiful mommy, but your weakness scars you.

I guess no one will ever see that you're broken inside too.

This must be my secret because tomorrow your dead body will be found.

I will put on that same fake smile like you taught me and say "I didn't hear a sound."

~ Taylor Skaggs

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