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So I write this in 2014, so I'm warning you now on how this is gonna be. I was young when writing this so it's cringe asf in my opinion.


"Allison! Are you ready? Your sisters waiting!!" Mom yells from down stairs. I groan. I so don't want to ride with my sister. All she ever does is talk about her so called 'boyfriend'. I don't know who he is or anything like that. Hell! I've never even seen him before, no pictures, no visits, nothing. It's like she hides him away from the world. Aka, our family. Not that I blame her or anything......

"Allison!?" Mom shouts from down stairs. I sigh as I tighten my ponytail, grab my bag and my phone, slipping it into my pocket as I finally make my way down stairs.

I get to the bottom and huff out air and it makes my lose hair fly up and back down again.

"Your sisters waiting. Go. Now." Mom says narrowing her eyes at me. I roll mine.

I push my bag up more and walk out the door. I shut it tightly behind me and walk over to my sisters car. I open the door and hop in, slamming the door in the process.

"Hey! Don't slam the door." My sister, Violet snaps at me. I suppress a groan of total annoyance as she drives out of the drive way. I put my seatbelt on and turn to look out the window.

After a few moments of nice silence, Violet decides to break it with her big mouth.

"Okay, so I have something totally exciting to to tell you." Vi squeaks. I jump and look at her like she's crazy. Which she truly is, but that's besides the point.

Violet has long blonde Barbie hair that's always perfect no matter what. She has bright blue eyes and a sweet smile and a small button nose. She doesn't wear that much make up like most blonde bimbos do. She's taller and older then me. She's 18 and I'm only 17. I'll be 18 soon though. Yeah yeah. A 17 year old who doesn't have her license. Shut the fuck up. Not my fault.

"And that is.....?" I ask, dreading the answer. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death but she's so annoying some times.

"My boyfriends coming over tonight!" She squeals. Well then. Wonder who he is. Maybe I know him. Probably not though.

"Really? When?" I ask trying to be nice to her. Hey! I'm trying. Give me some credit here.

"He's coming for diner and he's also been asking to meet you guys for the longest time." She stops the car at a red light then starts biting her lip and twisting her blonde hair around her finger. Something she does when she's nervous. Then she continues. "I really think he's the one Al. I really, really like him. I don't want to lose him."

I sit there, staring at this new version of my sister I've seen only once and that was when I was like, 7. Maybe not even.

"Well, let's hope that I like him to and mom or you're doomed." I say and she gives me a soft smile. I return it.

We pull up to the school and I get out, putting my sunglasses over my eyes. It's really sunny out and thankfully super warm out also. It's late April and it's really hot out, but still pretty cool.

Okay so I'm Allison Wall. I'm, as I already told you, 17. I have long black hair. But I have deep blue and purple streaks in it. I have deep hazel eyes that I got from my dad along with my black hair of course. He passed away when I was 6 so I don't remember much of him.

I walk into the school and go over to my locker. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around as a smile takes over my face.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask getting my books out of my bag as I turn to my friend William. He has curly brown hair and glasses and is a total dork. But he's my dork. No, I'm not dating him. He's just my best friend. And he's also taller than me by like, almost a full foot.

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