Suddenly she comes through the door, and I stop pacing. "Hon what's wrong? Here sit down, don't work yourself up." She says pulling up a chair for me to sit in but I was so angry. "No! I don't want to sit." She backs off putting the groceries away,

"Okay I get it, you don't want to sit down. What's wrong?"

Well for starters my ex-husband that you don't know I'm still married to wants to know where I'm going off to months at a time. He's no longer buying the excuse that I'm traveling with modeling. He actually attended the last show and was shocked to find out that I was on maternity leave.

"Just...modeling." I lie biting my lower lip in nervousness. "What happened now? Are they still threatening to give your spot to someone else??"

I nod going with that answer, "Yup that's it."

Gwen walks around the island and puts her hands on my shoulders and comforts me, she kisses my shoulder. Taking my hand she leads me towards the stairs, "Let me take care of my fiance." She smirks at me...

Hours went by before I realized it was the next day, maybe around 6. And there was a knock at the door, wrapped up in a sheet, huge as an elephant I go downstairs to answer it. Opening the door wide there was no denying that my husband was standing in front of me.


He just looks at me head to toe before I actually see tears in his eyes, "Marc this isn't what it looks like. Sure I'm pregnant and I'm wearing a wedding ring that..isn't yours but-" He holds his hand up looking down at the ground. I did start to feel bad,

Picking his head up he looks at me, "Whatever you have to say to me you can say it to my lawyer."

With that he leaves,

"Hey why are you standing in the doorway like that?" Gwen's voice startled me, guess I was still in shock after what Marc had told me. "How long as I standing here?" I asked her and she shrugs her shoulders. "Not sure-"

I pull away from her, "I'm leaving." I say moving outside where I start down the path. Gwen called after me, "Wait watch out!" Her screams made me snap my head towards her as she reaches out for me, not turning fast enough I see myself slip and tumble down the pathway...

** 2 Years Later**

Sure I never wanted a child beside having one for my own personal gain, but the two people I gave my heart to (Marc and Gwen) both wanted children, both knew of my half bred nature, and knew I had trouble with getting pregnant. Well with Marc I did, with Gwen...well she's a witch. So she put a spell on my womb making it strong enough to bare a child.

I guess knowing that her magic didn't work hard enough to save the baby after the fall is what made me lose it. Not only did I miss my chance of prolonging my life, but I lost the chance to make the woman of my dreams happy.

But no more, I didn't care about killing babies to live longer, I had Gwen back home waiting for me....

As soon as I signed the papers and all my things were locked away in storage I got a 1st class plane ticket back to Ireland. In the last 2 years I couldn't leave the country and despite writing several letters to Gwen she never replied.

Now I was finally gonna get answers,

Not having the luxury of being Mrs. Waters meant that I would have to drive myself to Gwen's house. Ugh, when passing a creepy rehab center-what's it called...Saint Arts. That place gave me the creeps, but finally I hit a dirt road leading to Gwen's house.

Parking the car, climbing the stone path to the house, I grab the key from under the mat and open the door nearly falling over.

Seeing a letter on the counter I was scared to pick it up, knowing it was for me. I finally read it,

The Billionaire's Baby (BWWM) (Rated-R)Where stories live. Discover now