Chapter 0.23

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  June 2018

|| Marabelle ||

"So you guys have kissed like, tons of times?" Mallory grinned at me.

"Well I wouldn't say tons but yeah, a couple," I giggled excitedly as we sat on the couch wrapped in blankets and drinking hot cocoa because it was cold and rainy tonight.

After yesterday at the carnival, Freddie and I spent the night watching rom-coms and cuddling at my apartment. Between us, several more kisses were shared and at this point I want to be dead sure that he likes me back.

"Omg, that's so romantic!" She squealed happily. "I knew you two would get together! Y'all are absolutely perf!"

"We aren't together, Mal," I laughed.

"Yet," She winked.

"Shut up," I chuckled.

"Annnyway, boo boo. Your crown birthday is coming up!" She said with an excited clap of her hands. "We need to go all out!"

"No we don't," I said. "I'm perfectly fine with hanging out with a couple of friends or something."

"No way," She shook her head. "Mara, you're gonna be twenty one! And not only that, its your crown birthday!"

Its the beginning of June and my birthday's coming up on the twenty first. And because we partied hard for Mal's birthday a few months back, she insists because I planned "the party of all parties" for her that she has the plan a party, just as fun as hers, for me.

"I rate we hire out Club '88 for the night," She said.

"Hm...I dunno, Mal."

"Come onnnn. It'll be so fun!" She said.

Knowing my best friend way too well, I knew that she wouldn't give up. She's way too persuasive.

"Yeah, okay," I agreed.

"Oh, yay!" She squealed. "It'll be so fun!"

"Subject change," I said. "How are things between you and Scott?"

"Absolutely amazing," She said with a grin. "I can't believe its gonna be nearly eight months."

"I swear y'all are gonna last forever," I said with a grin and then sipped on the warm chocolatey goodness in a mug.

"I really hope we will," She smiled.

Mallory and Scott are just so perfect for each other. I swear I ship them harder than I ship Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds (and I ship that relationship real hard).

"I know you will. Y'all are perfect for each other," I told her.

"Almost as perfect as you and Freddie," She winked at me.


"Freddie, where are you?" I asked into my phone's receiver as I walked up the boardwalk at the beach.

"Just keep walking a little further. I can see you. You're not that far."

This morning I had gotten a call from Freddie asking me to meet him on the boardwalk at the beach. For what reason, I have no idea.

"How far am I?" I questioned with a groan as I continued to walk.

"You're getting warmer," He chuckled.

"Freddie, you're not gonna make me walk up this entire boardwalk -" I began to scold but then stopped when I saw the green-eyed boy grinning at me and sitting on a tall boulder. "Is there a reason why I had to basically hike up the entire boardwalk to get to you?" I asked with a teasing grin.

"Oh yes, a very good reason," He nodded as he jumped off the boulder and then pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Which would be?"

"Patience, Belle. All good things come to those who wait," He grinned as he took my by the hand and then lead me up the rest of the boardwalk.

Funny, that's what Laura said to me.

When we had gotten to a quieter spot on the walk way, we took a seat on the grassy patch that overlooked the entire beach front. It really was a sight to see.

"So, Peaches, what is it exactly that we're doing here?" I asked him as I let the back of my head rest on his shoulder.

"Well, you know me. I'm not one to beat around the bush," He said.

"Yeah, I know," I giggled.

"So I'm going to be one hundred percent honest with you and I'm praying to god that I'm not about to make a fool out of myself."

"Freddie, you know you can tell me anything," I said gently, sitting up straighter so that I could face him.

"You're beautiful, Marabelle, and quite honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't notice it before. Or maybe I did but I just didn't know how to comprehend it. I'm not really good at being a realist with some things. But I digress. You're absolutely perfect, Belle, and I fucking like you, like, a lot. And when we kiss something in my heart goes off like a bomb but its a good feeling. A feeling I wouldn't mind feeling if it meant that I could be with you."

"B-be with me?" I stuttered. "Like..."

"Like a relationship," He said quietly. "And right now I'm really hoping you feel the same way about me because this conversation is about to become ten times more awkward if you don't."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Don't worry. This convo won't get awkward because I really fucking like you a lot too. Like, a lot a lot."

"Oh good," He breathed a sigh of relief with a little laugh. "So now that we've established that we both really like each's about we give this relationship thing a try...?"

"Well I mean if you want to then like, yeah." And then my inner hopeless romantic did that stupid thing were I started giggling like a sixteen year old girl when her crush smiles in her direction.

"Man, you're really fucking cute," He chuckled as he pulled me closer and then sealed the gap between us by pressing his lips against mine.

And at that very moment life started to look better than it ever has before.


A/N: Ehhh, this chapter is real short. Sorry fam. Lots has been going on lately. I'm trying to convince my parents that its a good idea for me to move back to Cape Town from Greece (long story fam) and school is destroying my life. One would have though being homeschooled is super nice and easy but its not ._. But heyyy hows about it, Freddie and Marabelle are FINALLY together! Took long enough in my opinion.

if you're feeling up to it, remember to vote & comment. Xoxo

PS. Liah hasn't forgotten about Wattpad at all! She just super busy with school (poor lovely is literally having a break down like, every day bc school is so busy for her) -12th grade is so childs play. But she will publish soon. Just be on the lookout for updates.

Okay, this one isn't a song but I love Camila Cabello and she's just so lovely and perfect in the video above (Im posting from my laptop that's why it posts in the thing above the chapter and not down here) 

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