Chapter 0.15

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  February 2018

|| Freddie ||


I stirred a little as I groaned and then opened my eyes. The first thing they set sights on was the beautiful little girl fast asleep on my chest.

I carefully maneuvered myself so that I wouldn't wake her and then set her down on the pillow next to me which caused her to whine a little and then open her green eyes.

"I'm sorry, babygirl. I didn't mean to wake you," I said softly to her.

"Daddy," She mumbled as she crawled onto my lap and then wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Let's go see where your momma is," I said to her as I got out of bed and then carried her out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

In the kitchen in front of the stove stood my beautiful wife making breakfast.

"Aspen, can you go upstairs and wake your daddy and Savannah please?" She asked our oldest daughter who sat coloring at the breakfast bar.

"No need for that," I said as I came up behind her and then kissed her cheek. "Good morning, Belle."

She smiled as she turned to face me. "Good morning, Peaches. And good morning to you too, little miss."

Savannah smiled sleepily and then stretched her arms out to her. I smiled as I watched Marabelle cuddle our daughter and then kiss her cheek.

"Kyle not awake yet?" I asked her.

"He is. He's watching tv," She told me and then turned to our oldest daughter. "Aspen, bubba, can you set the table outside while I finish with breakfast?"

"Yes, mommy," She nodded before climbing down from her stool at the breakfast bar and then going outside.

"I'll go get Kyle," I told Marabelle as she handed Savannah back to me.

In the living room my son -and Savannah's twin brother- was seated on his play mat watching cartoons.

"Hey, buddy," I greeted him as I ruffled his hair.

"Daddy! Sav-Sav!" He cheered as he turned to face us.

"Shhhh!" Savannah hissed irritatedly and then let her head rest on my shoulder. She's not a morning person.

"You ready for some breakfast?" I asked him causing his green eyes to light up.

"Foooood!" He screamed before getting up and running out of the living room. I chuckled a bit. That kid lives for food.

Outside Aspen had finished setting the table and was busy helping Marabelle bring the breakfast out.

"Here, let me help you with that, princess," I said to her after I had seated Savannah as she carried a jug of apple juice.

"Thank you, daddy," She smiled at me, revealing her missing front teeth.

After dishing up for the kids, I went back into the kitchen to pour Marabelle and myself some coffee while still keeping an eye on them through the large window.

"Sav came in just before six thirty this morning," Marabelle told me as she wrapped her arms around my torso from behind.

"Bad dream?" I questioned.

"No, she just wanted cuddles," She said.

"Our kids are so cute," I chuckled.

"The cutest," She agreed. "But I mean, they are our kids so like, obviously."

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