Chapter 0.7

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 November 2017

|| Marabelle ||

"Hiya, Marabelle. What can I get for you?" Cindy, the girl that worked at the cute on-campus bakery/cafe, asked me with a chirpy smile that Thursday afternoon before Thanksgiving break.

"Just a vegan brownie and a soy latte please," I said, smiling back at her as I handed her a twenty dollar bill. I still have forty five minutes until my art class so I decided to kill time with coffee and a brownie.

"Sure thing," She chirped before turning away to get my order ready.

A few minutes later I was sitting at my usual table by the window with my coffee and brownie while scrolling through my twitter timeline when a text from my brother came through

Big Brother ♡: Hey baby sister. What time does your flight come in tomorrow?

Me: Just after six. So like 6:15. Why?

Big Brother ♡: Pia and I came in early (today) and momma wants me to pick you up tomorrow. Don't ask so many questions ._.

Me: It was like one question. Calm down geez -_-

Big Brother ♡: Fight me

Me: Cash me outside. How bow dat

Big Brother ♡: I don't even know how we're related...

Me: Yeah, love you too big brother

Big Brother ♡: See you tomorrow baby sis. X

My brother and I have such an interesting relationship. Even though we're eleven years apart we still fight like little kids over pointless things and will usually text each other just to banter for no reason. But we still love each other.

"Hey. Mind if I sit?" I heard Freddie's voice ask, prompting me to look up.

"Oh hey. Not at all," I said with a smile.

"I see we have the same idea," He chuckled, pointing to our coffees and brownies.

"Great minds think alike," I laughed.

"So when do you fly back to Charlotte?" He asked me.

"Tomorrow afternoon actually," I told him. "You're going to New York tomorrow, yeah?"

"Hmm," He nodded. "We're doing Thanksgiving with my dad's family this year. That's gonna be fun." He rolled his eyes at the last bit.

"Why do you sound like you'd rather eat glass?" I giggled.

"Because I would," He sighed. "My mom and my grandma don't get along at all and if last years Christmas is anything to go by, they'll definitely bump heads again. And then Karliegh and our cousin Athena don't get along either which means I'm in for a weekend of arguments, fighting and more arguments."

"Rather you than me," I grimaced, thanking god that I didn't have to deal with anything like that.

Just then Delilah's voice interrupted us. "Hey, Marabelle. Mind if I join y'all?"

"Hey, Delilah. No, not at all," I said, motioning for her to take the seat next to Freddie. "Freddie, this is my friend and fellow dancer Delilah. Delilah, this is Freddie, fellow friend and Mal's boyfriends best friend," I introduced the two.

"Its good to meet you, Delilah," Freddie said to her with a smile, extending his hand to shake hers.

"You as well, Freddie," She smiled back while shaking her hand.

UnconditionallyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon