Chapter Thirty-Four: Irresistible

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"Damn it! That's not what I meant to say, Kaylee," Anthony shook his head, "I wanted to say sorry—"

I took a step back and yanked my hand out of Anthony's grip. Why the hell would he tell me this?

Without saying anything, I gazed at him warily and folded my arms.

He ran a shaky hand through his hair as he took a step towards me, and in turn, I took a step back. "Kaylee—"

Shaking my head, I finally spoke up, "What do you expect me to say?" I looked at him incredulously, "Chase and I are together!"

Anthony looked as if I'd just slapped him in the face. "What? Since when?"

I gulped, feeling extremely uncomfortable at this point, and turned my attention to the ground to avoid eye-contact. "For a couple of days now," I replied quietly, taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves.

He didn't say anything. But what was he expecting, really? He knew something was going on between me and Chase. He'd even teased me about it in the past! I shouldn't even care to hear him out.

So why did I feel so guilty?

I let out a deep sigh before glancing up at Anthony. His face appeared solemn as he kept his eyes focused on the ground.

Clearing my throat, I took a tiny step to the side to try and sneak around him—

"Please let me just say one more thing."

I jumped slightly, expecting for Anthony to speak. He looked at me then, his eyes piercing me with their intensity.

Taking in a deep breath and holding it, I gestured for him to speak.

His shoulder slouched forward as he let out a long exhale, "I'm not giving up on you."

My eyes widened. Not giving up on me? What exactly did he mean?

"Listen, I really care about you Kaylee, and I can't just let you walk away."

I held up a hand, "Anthony, I told you, me and Chase—"

"I know that," He cut in, taking another step towards me and sending me a look of plea, "But that doesn't mean—"

"I know what you did," I snapped at him, remembering what Chase had told me only a few days ago. How genuine could Anthony really be?

He frowned in confusion, "What did I do?"

Starting to wish Chase never left me alone with Anthony, I gazed into the glass doors behind him and wished I was inside with Chase instead. "With Cassandra," I said quietly.

Anthony's eyes immediately widened, "Kaylee, you don't know the whole story. Chase probably didn't tell you—"

"No," I cut in, shaking my head, even though in the pit of my stomach, part of me wanted to know what he was going to say. "I don't want to hear your excuses."

"But they're not excuses, if you'd just—"

He reached for my hand again, but I instinctively took a step back. I needed to end this conversation before it got out of control. "I'm sorry, Anthony," I stated firmly, "But I can't talk about this with you. I trust Chase."

Before he could respond, I quickly moved around him and pushed through the glass doors to enter the pet shop. Spotting Chase behind an aisle, I scurried over to him before Anthony could stop me.

As I made my way closer to Chase, he glanced up and an instant smile fell on his face. I offered a weary smile in return, despite the unease clinging to the pit of my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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