Chapter Twenty-Two: It Begins

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I gripped onto Lily's arm, feeling a little tense. I was surprised when I found out last night that I didn't have Allison's number, and Lily didn't, either. I needed to find her today and talk with her, but worried about the fact that she could have already spread rumors about me and Chase.

Lily looked back at me, her eyebrows drawing down into a frown in confusion, "What is it?"

I looked around at the different students, all making their way into the school building with their friends and minding their own business. But I still couldn't help but wonder if, the minute I walked into the school building, people would be looking at me differently.

My thoughts kept returning to the same two questions;

Has she told anyone? Or did she keep the secret of me and Chase to herself?

I returned my gaze to Lily as she narrowed hers at mine with skepticism. "What's wrong?" She pressed.

I shook my head. She obviously didn't think Allison knowing about me and Chase was a big deal, so I shouldn't, either. I was just overreacting. Putting a smile on my face, I pushed aside my doubt.

"Nothing," I finally said, "Let's go."

And I was right. Nothing happened. By the time last period rolled around, I sat down in my seat and let out a hefty sigh of relief. What goodluck! I'd have to thank Allison later, if I ever saw her. But surprisingly, I hadn't seen her at all today. I wondered if she stayed home sick.

I really hopped it wasn't because she was so upset about finding me and chase. I needed to get ahold of her as soon as possible and clarify what she saw yesterday.

I turned to face Lily, pushing the thoughts aside for now, and opened my mouth to discuss with her about an English assignment on Macbeth--

"Kaylee!" A chirpy voice suddenly spoke up right above me, "How did you do it?"

I frowned, turning my attention to the sound of the voice. Hovering over my desk was a girl named Sarah. I didn't know her well, but we were friendly with each other. I bent my head to the side and looked up at her in uncertainty.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion, my lips twitching up into an awkward smile. She was leaning abnormally close with a wide grin, making me reflexively bend back. What was she talking about? I sorted through my mind for any hard assignments I had done in English that deserved her praise, but came up blank.

She rolled her bright blue eyes and shook her head, making her long red curls cover her face for a moment, "Oh come on, Kaylee. Don't play dumb!" She lightly punched my arm, and my smile only grew more pained.

What was she taking about? I forced myself to push away the proding thoughts of her maybe, possibly, being just a bit crazy.

She let out a huff, but her smile was still plastered on her brightly lit face.

"How did you score Chase Chandler as your boyfriend?"

My pained smile instantly dropped as my eyes widened with panic.

No freaking way. No way she just said that out loud, so openly, with everyone to hear.

My stomach clenched so tight I thought I was going to puke. It took me a second, but I distinctively noticed that the room was quiet now, everyone zooming in on Sarah's gossip worthy outburst; and even though I didn't dare to look around, I could feel everyones eyes on me.

As if she didn't realize the damage she'd done, or my stunned face, Sarah continued to speak loudly, proudly, as if we were alone in a privet home without all of the eavdroppers surrounding us.

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