Chapter Twenty-One: Caught

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Without the smallest hint of shame, I clasped onto Chase's arm- which I cursed for annoyingly being extremely firm and muscular. I quickly pushed away the thought and forced my eyes to stay firmly planted on the spot Allison had just disappeared behind an aisle, waiting with terror for her to return.

I inched closer to Chase and stood on my tippy toes, bending my face up towards him while still keeping my eyes glued to where Allison could possibly appear at any second, and whispered, "We need to hide."

Chase sounded amused, "Oh, do we?"

I nodded, gripping his strong bicep tighter, "Like. Right now."

But before we could make a run for it, Allison appeared, moving around one of the ends of the aisles. My eyes widened as my stomach flipped.

"Sugar l-"

"Hush!" I hissed, shifting my gaze away from Allison as she studied a set of dog toys, still unaware of us by some miracle, and towards Chase. I started tugging down on his arm pointlessly so we could hide, but he stood firmly in place with an eyebrow raised, completely unmovable. I gawked at him for not understanding our huge dilemma, "That's Allison!" I clarified, my voice panicked, "If she sees us-"

My voice was cut off as I watched Chase's grin widened evilly. What was that look on his face for? He better not-

"Hello, Allison!"

I sucked in a shocked gasp as I felt myself crumble in complete despair. That malicious jerk! What the hell was his problem? What part of 'hide' did he not understand? I swear, just as I was beginning to think he was actually a decent-

"Chase?" A shy, startled voice said, "Y-you know my name?"

Taking in a deep breath, I sent a sharp glare at Chase before turning my gaze towards the shocked face of Allison Johnson.

Her hazel eyes widened as they landed on me. She looked like she was about to say something, when Chase took me and her both by surprise and somehow removed his arm from my grip to wrap it around me, yanking me close to his side.

"Well, the lovely Kaylee here," he gestured to me, "Shared with me your name." His eyes sparkled mischievously as he glanced down at me.

I spoke quietly under my breath so only Chase would hear; "What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

"Kaylee?" Allison's voice was somehow softer than before, "I didn't know you and Chase where..." She looked like she was going to puke, "Close?"

I flashed Allison a pained smile, my heart aching for her. I opened my mouth to deny any possible 'closeness' Chase and I had when his loud voice easily overpowered mine,

"Yes," He insisted confidently, "We're very close." As if to prove himself, he brought his other arm up to wrap around me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

I scoffed and tried to shout 'we are not!' but my voice was muffled and unintelligible as Chase mushed my face against his firm chest, making me groan louder in frustration.

He pulled away slightly for a second, allowing me to breathe.

"Babe?" Looked down at me innocently with concern, bending his head to the side.

I looked up at him in bewilderment. What bullcrap! Why did he always act so weird when other people were around? I opened my mouth to speak, ready to put him in his place, when Allison spoke up from behind me,

"Is she your..." She paused for a while, her voice quiet and strangled as she built up enough courage to finally ask, "Y-your girlfriend?" She choked out.

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