Day 6: Always

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Sehuns vision was red. He was overwhelmed by the anger and sadness that was running all over his body and mind but most of all, he was regretting every decision he had made up to now. Warm tears ran down his face as one thing kept replaying in his mind. That all his hard work, all his efforts went to waste. Nothing worked on Luhan. So many things he had done to get the elders attention yet it's as if at the end of the day nothing mattered. Nothing that he did matter to Luhan because all Luhan could ever look at him was as a brother. Sehun would never be a man in Luhan's eyes.

Sehun slowly open his eyes not able to see well by the tears in his eyes and saw his phone buzzing showing a text message. Sehun looked sadly at the phone and threw it in rage into the car glass in front of him. He exhaled a desperate sign. He didn't know what to do. He was pretty sure his phone would be broken seeing a crack in his car's glass window. Sehun threw his head back when the phone started to ring. Sehun grabbed his hair pulling at it out of frustration. He felt empty inside while his head was breaking down inside with many emotions.

Finally, after so long, Sehun picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID. Sehun looked outside his window to see if they were spying on his because he couldn't never be sure that he had Luhan's father's trust fully. Sehun opened the message and saw the address of where Luhan and Xiumin. It was all Kyuhyun doing and he knew he would do anything to act out. To get what Kyuhyun wanted but Sehun wouldn't let that happen. He was stupid for ever doing such a thing to Luhan. Such a thing to dug his own grave. He had to stop somehow to it all seem like there was no way out.

Sehun didn't know what to do but one thing was for sure, he had to call someone that knew what was going on and possible someone who could stop all of this.

A few minutes passed once Sehun started to drive on the road to reach his destination. He knocked furiously on the door not caring of the surrounding families that lived right next door. Sehun looked desperately at the turned lights coming from the kitchen of the house and he soon stopped knowing and took a step back once he was greeted by the sight of Baekhyun and Lay. Lay looked confused by him and all Sehun did was push past them making them even more confused. "What's going on?" Baekhyun asked first seeing the sight of Sehun.

Sehun's knuckles were bloody and his hair was all over the place. Not to mention that the sleeve of his shirt was ripped. "It's happening! God, I need your help. Lay go get your computer." Sehun spoke, pacing around the living room. "But I thought it was tomorrow!" Baekhyun said alarmed looking worriedly at Lay. "I don't think we will have enough time, Sehun." Baekhyun admitted looking at how Lay scanned the files and pulled up the tracking devise. "We will have to make it work." Sehun said worried too because the plan that they discussed after Luhan and Xiumin left was suppose to happen tomorrow.

"I went over their residence earlier and the poison has arrived." Sehun said and thought that they were in so much trouble because there was no posing like this one. This poison could not be detected in any way or form. It would look as if Luhan died from a natural cause.

"You haven't heard from him, yet?" Luhan's father asked Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun shakes his head no and looked back at his father. "And when are you going to do it? If this goes on we won't have a chance to kill him." Kyuhyun said looking at Luhan from far away. "You have to be patient. We have to hit Luhan at his weakest point and that's Xiumin." Kyuhyun understood his father's cold words. "Just give it a few more minutes. It will be over soon. Since they want to get married there is no turning back now. I would never let him be happy because of what he did." Luhan's father said and Kyuhyun looked back at him.

"You never told me what exactly happened.. I only saw the aftermath, after everything was done." Kyuhyun said looking at his father. "You don't have to know. Isn't it evidence enough of what you saw?" Kyhyuns father dismissed the subject and Kyuhyun could only stare at his father in thought, not missing the anger behind his father's eyes. Kyuhyun didn't stop stare and his father finally snapped, "Just fucking drop it!" Luhan's father said clearly upset by the sudden subject brought up. Kyuhyun looked away a second later and all Sehun and Chen would see what was being played out in front of them.

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