Goal Number 2:

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When the earth could of had been rainbows and sunshine that day it didn't and instead was cloudy and raining outside.

Xiumin could only look at himself in the mirror waiting for what will happen next. He stare hard at the mirror. The mirror was reflecting his self and they both glared at each other having a staring contest.

Xiumin inhaled a deep breath while closing his eyes hoping that his tense shoulders would ease and become relaxed but his attempt failed.

He bit his lip to let out a frustrated groan and took a seat in his bed. His hair was in order and his makeup was already done. He didn't know what else to do. He felt like doing something but couldn't.

His body didn't want to let him and it freely moved itself.

He laid down, face facing the ceiling and looking up. His mind drifted without him knowing and sadness overcame his body.

He promised himself that he won't cry. That there is no reason to. He just has to let him go and accept it. That's it. That simple but he couldn't help but for tears to form in his eyes. He bit his lip hoping that the hurting feeling would distract him from his aching heart.

It failed, like always.

He could taste blood on his lip and let go. Xiumin reached up to grab his blankets and laid it over him. He tucked at his hair making it a mess just like when he woke up a few minutes ago. He laid on his side now looking at the wall full of memories.

He wanted so badly to just have one picture of him and Luhan together. How much he craved his touch and kisses.

He closed his eyes fearing that at any point the tears he has been holding up would fall.

He had to get his act together.

A knock was heard and he nodded his head even though the person on the other side wouldn't know what he was doing. He left lonely. Even if they got a few maid to be in the house it still left empty. It didn't feel like his house. He was so used to being in Luhans house even if it was only for a few moment.

"I'll be down in a minute." He told the person on the other side of the door.

He head a few words but he didn't bother to catch them. He got up from his bed even if his body ached for him to stay. He fixed again his messed up hair and put it into place. He cleaned himself up and took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out the house.

Even the two maids that were in his house could feel sadness radiating off of him.

They looked worriedly at him but Xiumin didn't pay them attention. He walked straight to his car and got in the back seat.

Jinjay closed the door after him.

"Are you ready, Sir?" Jinjay asked and Xiumin hesitated. "Yes." He said and Jinjay looked in his rearview mirror one last time at his master's son. He pulled out after a while knowing that if he didn't at any minute Xiumin would regret his decision and get out of the car.

The whole right to the funeral home was filled with tension in the air and even Jinjay felt like he couldn't breath. Every time they got closer Xiumin felt even worse than before. His stomach hurt and there was a knot in his throat. It was killing him.

"We have arrived sir." Jinjay said looking hard at the scene in front of him. Xiumin hummed in acknowledgment.

He opened his door not letting Jinjay open his door to the drivers surprise. "Call me when you're done, sir." Jinjay said and Xiumin closed the door without a response or glance his way.

For The Better Or Worse? {Book 2} [Xiuhan/Lumin]Where stories live. Discover now