Chapter 3: Luhan

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Sehun looked at the window dully not knowing what to do. A part of him wanted to scream that he did wrong but he also didn't want to do it. He wanted Luhan. He needed Luhan and if this was the only way to get what he wants he will do it. He would sacrifice friendships because of love and the wrong doing of an action into ambition to have the one he has liked for a long time now. Luhan.

Luhan. That man he loves.

Luhan open his eyes and turn on his side noticing the taller male looking out the window and wanted to say something. Anything. He wanted the male to explain some of the things he couldn't understand yet or that were buzzing in his head like bees.

"Sehun?" Luhan said to the younger male and sat up straight on his king size bed. Sehun turn to look at him with a little smile on his lips and trying to focus on here and now. "Yeah?" He said and walk to Luhan's bed until he was in front of Luhan. Luhan stared up at Sehun timid by the height gap. Luhan gulped because Sehun was attractive but looked mostly pissed off than anything every time he saw him.

I dated him? He thought and couldn't find anything in his brain that would get any memory of the taller male. But he doesn't seem like my type. He thought and shook his head and gulped the saliva that started to gather up in his throat.

"How.. How did I lose my memory.. You never told me.." Luhan said remembering only coming in yesterday night and sleeping. Nothing else. No explanation. Just the introduction of Sehun and his father. He wanted to know what exactly happen before the accident. Where he was. What he did. With who and most importantly was it set up or not. Every time he looked at his father a shiver would run down his spine and goosebumps start to rise.

Sehun hesitated and didn't know what to say. I should of had thought of something before he woke up. Sehun bit his lip not wanting to screw it up and making it as most believable as possible. The closest thing that they informed him on Xiumin and Luhan's date.

"You.. Um.. We were just coming back from our date when you got a call and.. you told me to get in the car. I did and you drove very fast down the roads and after that all I can remember is that we crashed into a truck and the car went flying. The doctors said that you must of had hit your head against the car multiple times that it caused you to be in a coma for a week." I finished.

Luhan turn his face away from sehuns and look like he was trying to take everything in. Yet Sehun didn't know what actually was going on in his head. Like, how come he isn't injured or has even a scathing on his face. He looks perfectly fine. Those thoughts curled Luhan's mind and he knew that there is something missing. That it couldn't be true because Sehun looked perfectly fine.

Luhan secretly looked over sehun's body when Sehun wasn't looking and he was right. No browse, no cuts, and no broken or injured bones. Sehun was without a scratch while he had any cuts along his face and upper body places. Lair. He thought and wanted to roll his eyes at the younger male not believing what he was told.

He wanted to know the truth that he seemed to be hiding him. Sehuns face gave it away. The way he hesitated and bit his lip. The way his eyes wondered and they couldn't meet Luhan's. Luhan brushed it aside knowing that it might be true and was just being paranoid. Maybe it's all in my head. And got out of bed. He notice Sehun still was in the same position thinking and Luhan cleared his throat to get him out of his deep thoughts.

Sehuns concentrated face snapped away once he hear Luhan calling his name. "Sehun.. Are you okay? You seem a little out of it." Luhan said and Sehun's expression returning to his poker face. "Yeah I'm fine. Get ready Luhan. We are going out. I'll wait for you out in the car." He said and didn't even spare Luhan a second glance before exiting the door and closing it with a thud.

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