Chapter 4: I Felt

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Luhan's pov:

"Luhan?" I heard a voice but I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I asked looking at the long boy with pale skin. "Is something wrong?" Sehun looked me all over the face. "No." I simply said forcing to turning my attention to the food that has been sitting in front of me for quite a while. Who was that boy? That boy that took my breath away in one second? I wanted to ask him but I knew this wasn't the time or place to be feeling this way.

"This place is nice." I said and looked around the restaurant. It was very dark outside and it fit perfectly with the inside of the restaurant. There was candles in each table and the restaurant had a very warm feeling to it. I loved it. "It is a very nice place. I used to come here often to eat." He said and looked at me while a small smile in his face. "I love it." I said and he leaned in a little bit. "I'm glad you love it. I rented this place out just for you." He said and my heart skipped a beat.

He rented this place just for me. I thought and shifted my eyes from his to the table. Maybe I can love him again. I said to myself and smiled picking up my chop sticks to take a bight of the delicious meal. The flavor just exploded in my mouth and I looked up just in time for Sehun reach out and brush his thump on the side of my mouth.

"You have a sauce near your lips." He explained but his touch lingered on my skin once his hand was gone. I couldn't say anything back so I nodded looking out the window. I want to reach up and touch the place he touched. The place that is turning my face and making me get tingles. "Thanks for everything your doing." I said and I truly mean it. I feel like I have a special connection to him but I don't think it's one of love. It's friendship. That's how all these things start. I have to see him as a really good friend before I start loving him again.

Yes, that's what I need to do. Take it slow and start from the beginning. Not as a boyfriend but as a friend. I took in a moment to take in his appearance and he was dashing gorgeous. His hair was felt undone and he looked calm. His shirt was loose but enough to make his body stand out. He was wearing skinny black jeans and he was rocking it. He looked like a model. His whole appearance is stunning and makes you stare. His area is strong and his smiles could kill but not me. Not yet.

He is perfect in every way but he doesn't seem like the person I would date. Get it out of your head Luhan. If you can love him once, you can love him again. I bit my lip and shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. Yeah. I thought and after getting to know a little bit more of Sehun I discovered that we had the same interest. We both liked soccer, our favorite color is blue and we love music too much. "Let's go." He so as once we were done and got out of his chair only to stand next to mine and held out a hand.

Should I take it? I didn't know. Take it. Another part of me said and I put my hand and interwind it with his. His hands felt so warm against mine that I held tighter to his hand. His skin felt so smooth I wanted to run my fingers against his skin. He led the way to the door and never let go of my hand. I didn't mind. It felt perfect. When he finally slipped his hand of mine I wanted to grab onto it again but I didn't want to say anything.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we got in the car and drove off to a different direction we came from. "The movies. Just to get your mind off of things." He's said and I breathed in in relieve. That's nice. Dinner and a movie. It's our first date. "What are we going to see?" I asked exited with the thought in my mind. "Whatever you want. I'm guessing this is sorta your first time going to the movies again." He said looking at the road and I just nodded thinking of what I would like to see. Horror. Yes, horror!

For The Better Or Worse? {Book 2} [Xiuhan/Lumin]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora